Last four days I was near dead. Apparently the human body can in fact reject water along with anything else. Had that stomach bug that's been going around. Went to the er yesterday afternoon because my fuck it bucket was overflowing and I could not take it anymore. Fun facts I learned in the ER.
I finally got a dose of morphine, because my back was killing me.
Did you know you can get benign tumors on your adrenal glands? I did not know that. And they usually stay inactive if you dont fuck up like heavy drinking or smoking.
You can have to low sodium levels? Which creates a paradox because I am low salt, due to high blood pressure, so it seemed odd to me.
So after beating the devil possessed girl from the exorcist, because once i was empty it became weaponized. The thought of food or drink or any smell of any thing edible it would send me firing stomach acid apparently, since I have not eaten anything for three days, and taking tiny baby sips of water or gatorade.
They would not let me leave until I ate something, but they put in a liquid anti nausea medicine that I will marry if I could. So the snack they could only bring me is my mortal enemy. Lets say between this and the blandest cake ever, I would eat the cake.
Sugar free pudding. And a glass of mixed gatorade. like powder to water mix.
I told them to just wheel me to the morgue, I will fill out the paperwork on the way.
Just eat the damned pudding.
Dont wanna.
Eat it.
Cant make me.
Yes, they can make you eat the pudding, by finishing off the last half of the dose of Morphine, and once I was compliant, I ate the pudding. But it stayed down. so I got discharged. Poor wife is getting diamonds for christmas, since she had to clean up after me. I owe her the world for it.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 04:52:49 AM by Writers Bloque »
View a list of all my stories hereTo taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.