My “it’s complicated” estranged wife, apparently is feeling better, because she is using all of her nefarious resources to destroy my friendship/relationship with Sasha. They have a mutual friend, Svetlana, and the ex has been calling and texting her on a daily basis, spreading the most heinous lies about me, including horrible things that I allegedly said about Sasha, none of which are true. But unfortunately, Sasha is either buying it, or is upset by it, and we’ve had two of the rockiest weeks in our five years together. And I just think that this is destroying any warm feelings that we have for each other. Which just continues on the timeline of my psychopathic, soon to be ex, destroying everything and everyone that she touches. She is the single most horrible person that I have ever allowed in my life. And it pisses the fuck out of me that she continues to be a daily source of frustration and aggravation. We’re coming up on the first anniversary of our separation. And yet she continues to worm her way into my life. And not in a good way.