The site was honest, some will like it, most will hate it. Its a mean, mean ale, but sometimes, I need its kick to my ass.
Isn’t that the truth? I think that as we age, our taste buds become less sensitive. And so you start moving towards the strong ales, the stouts, the stinky cheese, the very spicy food... All the things that you would have hated when you were 20, now become almost essential when you’re 60. That’s my story. I’m sticking with it.
Story? more like Fact Of Life. I hated english peas growing up, cause they were too sweet, and also fish, but the fish thing was based off of a bad joke my dad played on me when I was little. My parents lived in a duplex where our neighbor was their friends, but Mrs. Sheryl had a huge aquarium with all sorts of pretty fish, that I was allowed to sit and watch. So my dad liked to fish, and came back with a small fish, and prepped it and cooked it and I asked where he got it, being to young to understand fishing, he said he got it out of Mrs. Sheryl's tank. From that point until I became an adult, that even the smell of fish cooking made me violently ill. But now, I am fine with it, as long as it's seasoned right and made good. But English Peas, still bother me, but not so much. But with beer, I really cant stomach some of the name brands, because most really do not have a good flavor to me any more, so I stock up on ABA.
Also, rule of thumb for some of you new drinkers:
When offered a beer, your preference is Free, and Cold. Because with beer prices rising, being picky when someone shares is rude. Politely decline if you must, but suck it up if they are being kind, or you are at their place. I have had too many people over here this summer bitching about what I stock, like I am supposed to spend hundreds of dollars for the off chance you might visit. Just drink what you are offered, or do not drink at all, or bring your own. I am not going hunting for a specific IPA made by a local, obscure brewer that only 1 store carries in 1 month, once a year. Not being mean, but seriously, dont like my swill, bring your own. I will not be offended.