Well, what ruined my day today was like this,
Aside from Kristen, I used to be and still am , a member of another forum,
Where, I had tried to get along with a person, let’s call her K.
So, early May, we met, everything was fine, we had some good funny chats, I was sort of smitten by her, as she was pretty beautiful: in face, body and (after talking to her found out ) personality aswell.
Late May, I made a mistake while talking to her, maybe got overly-friendly, (before anyone gets triggered, I had actually did it while talking with K before a few times, only jesting though, and it was also received in good spirits, hence didn’t feel apprehensive.) said something which she thoroughly minded, I apologised, no response whatsoever, still everything was fine, maybe, as we had some occasional interactions only and she was well, significantly more distant than before.
Fast forward to 2nd week of June, due to some personal reasons, had to leave the forum for quite some time ( a month to be exact.)
Fast forward to 2nd week of July, returned to the forum, K was the first person I messaged, asking for a chance to talk. no responSe For the day. The next day, see her reply to stop bothering her anymore. I Was, well, bummed out AF!
So, finally today, ran into K out of sheer coincidence in the chatroom(hadn’t even visited the chatroom for 2 months till today), messaged her asking her to give me a chance to explain, she did, I explained to her that in my one month hiatus from the forum, I had well, undergone a personality change, and only wanted a friendship with her, nothing more, she replied that she wasn’t interested at all, and would block me if I ever messaged her again, (and Maybe she did too.)
So that’s that, what ruined my day today.
Maybe it was because I thought too much/highly of her, (understatement of the month.) while in her eyes, I was just a bothersome nobody guy. Still, if anyone thinks that I’m the one at fault here, say as you wish as I don’t mind at all.