They called in an active shooter incident at my children’s high school today. Law enforcement descended on the campus. The perp escaped before killing anyone. And yes watcher, I think everyone in America will have to lose a friend or family member to gun violence, before we get the collective balls to do something about it.
1775-Battle of Trenton and Lexington Green. British troops try to impound guns from the colonists. The British don't get the guns and marching back to Boston, a lot of British troops are sniped. These battles kick off the American revolution.
1993-Democrat Congress passes anti gun laws, including an assault gun ban. Clinton signs off on them.
1994-Republicans get a super majority in both the House and Senate because of those laws.
Some people never learn.
From an outsider perspective why in countries like Canada or Switzerland where there are more guns per capita than in the US, does this not happen?
I'm not sure about Canada, but in Switzerland, like Israel, pretty much everyone is in the militia. In the US, the only people not allowed to have firearms are convicted felons. the dems would like to take guns away from everyone, including the military because of a childish dream that we all can get along. Dems point to mass shootings as evidence for the need for gun control, but mass shootings are not a recent event, this goes back into the 19th century. The elephant in the room that no one will address is the need to do something about the mentally ill.
In the 1960's a college professor said that he sent teams of investigators into asylums across the country and found them all to be horrible. He lied his ass off, but by the time anyone found out 99% of the asylums had been closed and the states had raised the bar on getting anyone committed that it took a miracle of God and the help of a Governor to get someone committed (I speak from experience here-a sibling needed commitment and it took a team and determined effort to get him committed).
The other part of this is that dems like to create "gun free zones". All this does is create a target rich environment for some nutball to come in and shoot up the place because guns make liberals feel nauseous. What's better? Feeling good or feeling safe? (you can't have both).