Yesterday actually.
I saw my mother for the first time in over a dozen years. I had to listen to her lie and talk bad about my dad as she tried to explain why she somehow deserved half of what he had inherited after the passing of a distant relative. The inheritance was supposed to go to my aunt Gale, but she had passed away almost seven years ago from complications from asthma. So when my grandpa's cousin passed three years ago, who was my aunt Gale's godmother, the inheritance somehow landed in the lap of my dad. Now my mother wants it.
Apparently this has been going on for quite a while but I just recently found out about it. Last year when my mother tried to contact me, it was about this whole thing, and since I outright ignored her, she is now saying that I am a liar and a "loose woman with zero morals" I imagine it is to protect her precious husband Jack who use to abuse me. She is trying to get ahead of anything I might say to help my dad win this thing. I'm not worried, as I dont see how she could possibly get any of the inheritance, but I can see my dad just settling with her so she will disappear from our lives again, and we can go back to being happy.
I didn't have to go with my dad to this meeting or whatever it was, but I wanted her to see me there with him. Walk in holding onto his arm, showing my unwavering support for him. I had hoped to see somthing from her, some kind of reaction, but it is impossible to yet an emotion out of somebody who has no heart.
I've been sleeping over at my dad's house most of the week. Just want to he there with and for him. He tells me he is fine, but that is that iron backbone of a loving dad who doesn't want to show me any kind weakness.
Yesterday was Ben's birthday and I wanted to do something for him, but she so easily ruined it all as my entire day was consumed by the efforts of an evil woman. Spent the evening with my dad, then went home, took some muscle relaxers, folded in on myself and went to sleep.
I hate her so much