Thanks Jules. We're just a couple of old people who stay home a lot anyway. We did have a brief talk that boiled down to: "We've lived a good long life...if we die, we die."
Seriously, I think I'm more at risk getting in the car and driving on substandard road among drivers who may be looking at cel phones or drunk.
Exactly. Crazy fucking people are more likely to kill you than the shit paper plague.
Returning to the truck yesterday from Walmart with a 4 pack of paper towels, some guy seeing us asked, ‘What, no armed guard carrying that?’
I replied, ‘I’m gonna sell it on Amazon and make a fortune!’
We all had a laugh. And, now from Walmart and Safeway, I’m the proud owner of a total of 8 rolls of paper towels.
Walmart had in the back 2 and 4 packs of paper towels, and 6 packs of TP allowing only one per customer. My Peruvian wanted to get two of the TPs since we were 2 people. I told her no, we had enough TP at home, and let someone desperate buy those. I just hope whoever got them, really needed them. We didn’t, and I wanted to be civil about a real need.