We've got mice, which get into the food (When somebody leaves the breadbox open) and have chewed through wires. The weather is enticing them to come inside where it's warm, and dry, but it also fluctuates. So, we have more activity when it's wretched out.
We're trying a commercial product that uses ultrasound to keep them out, but the weather's been too nice lately to really tell if that's what caused it. We also have live traps (Incidentally, rodents, Racoons, which are Pandas, and Opossoms which are Marsupials, all seem to prefer Peanut Butter as bait to the classic cartoon Cheese. It's used because of the yellow color, which gets the audience's attention, just like banana peels. Not because it's effective, though banana peels are effective bait in the wild, where it smells exotic.)
We use live traps, but also turn in the ones we get to a local pet-shop, to be eaten by snakes. They have Lemurs there, too! Not to be "Humane," they're mice. They'll make more...