Don't believe everything you read, even on WebMD.
Most suggestions I've seen on treating a cold are amusing or completely wrong.
I've been doing this for ~20 years, and it works for me. Zinc every 2 hours until the blood levels are saturated (about 3 or 4 lozenges), then drop back to 1 every 4 hours until the end of the third day. After that, it's pointless so don't continue, no matter what the directions on the package say. Everything after the third day is damaged caused in the first 3 days before the targeted T-cells have killed the virus, and zinc will hamper the healing after that, not help it.
The specific brand of zinc I buy is called 'Cold-Eeze', in either tropical fruit or cherry.
If you wait to start the zinc until you already have a sore throat and stuffy head, then it won't work. Zinc helps minimize or moderate the initial damage caused when non-specific white blood cells are flooded to the upper respiratory tract to blow apart cells at random, hoping to get enough of the viral protein fragments into the blood stream so that the glands / lymph nodes can produce the targeted T-cells. If your immune system is working, the cold virus is completely dead by the end of the third day.
ACV and honey are both mild antiseptics, and the hot tea helps break up the congestion. It seems to help me more than going without.
I also take Sudafed + Guaifenesin for the first few days to help keep the sinuses from blocking. If I feel up to it, a kid's dose of Benadryl also helps a bit, but usually I'm already too funky to deal with the added sleepiness of the Benadryl.
Here's a medical review of the results of several studies (1984-2010) on zinc for colds: agree with me: the earlier you start zinc, the better it works. I got on it within 4 hours of the initial infection, and 23 hours later the symptoms are very mild other than stuffy sinuses.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 12:40:05 PM by RopeFiend »
Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)