I'm just getting a little dizzy with all the different departments I'm involved with. Seem my old body decided I've pushed it to it's limits.
Found out about the cancer end of last year. Did my first round of chemo and was ready to start round two in March. Bang! Heart attack. It was mild and a couple stents fixed me up.
Another round of chemo after recovery from heart attack. Before I could do third cycle got hit with bowel obstruction, an occasional problem for abdominal surgery years ago. Was told it could be a problem.
Another recovery, another round of chemo. Surprise...no problems between third and fourth chemo cycles. That wrapped up my chemo.
Now my left leg starts giving me problems. At first it was thought to be from the bone cancer in n my hip. A similar problem on the right side was treated with radiation successfully. Radiation treatment for the left leg didn't work.
Just a few weeks ago the VA paid thousands of dollars to have an outside private imaging company do a series of MRIs due to my legs getting worse. Those MRIs showed the herniated disc.
That led to a neurosurgery referral... again an outside hospital as the VA couldn't see me within 30 days. In the meantime I was seen by the VA pain clinic. The doctor recommended physical therapy and epidurals, steroid injection into the spine.
That was Monday. Today I received a call from the pain clinic. The doctor who recommended the epidurals had checked with the Cardiac people. I'm on a blood thinner due to the stents. I'd need to stop taking those five days before having an epidural because of risk of bleeding.
Bottom line I'd need to wait a year before I could pause taking the blood thinner. I'm currently looking at about a year left before the cancer gets me. What.a catch 22!!!
It's not so bad. There's other options for me and I trust in the VA to do what they can for me. I'm already been offered one of those little electric carts with a rack for the car.
It was a shock at first when I got the news. After calming down and considering all the other options I'm now feeling a lot better since my first post.
So have a good day everyone...I intend to.