Not sure where I should have posted this, but I decided here. So much made my day.
My dad makes these giant decorative sleds from birch word and a guy he knows had one. He has family in Kentucky who loved it and asked to buy one. My dad said no, and said if they want one they have to except it as a gift. He refused to accept any payment. So he made it and instead of shipping it asked if I wanted to go on a road trip with him to drop it off.
Two main reasons. One, he would love the company and I'm off from work till friday so I had the time, and I'd love to spend the time with him. And two, I know how google maps works and I'm a pretty good navigator so getting there would be much easier for him.
Now the ruined my day part.
Second time I've ever been to Kentucky, and it's trying to kill me. We've been advised that there are two tornadoes in nearby counties and we should head to the lower lobby of the hotel we decided to stay at. My dad refuses to go and says, "we're from Wisconsin tornadoes dont exist to us, I'm not hiding". So in short if you never hear from me again, blame my dad😂🤣💋