I am of counsel to an organization that facilitates Ukrainian adoptions and fostering. I’ve been doing this for years, and have fostered a number of children in that time. They are extended family. So this isn’t just what’s ruining my day, it’s kind of what’s ruining my whole year.
We spent a week on the phone, made hundreds and hundreds of phone calls, did fundraising, and managed to get 30+ children across the border in three different buses on Thursday. Unfortunately none of my children made the trip. So I was quite heartbroken by that.
Add to that, my uncle’s death, trouble at work and home, and I didn’t sleep for about six days. So that’s why y’all haven’t seen me around here. I just haven’t had a minute to fuck with things.
That’s when a friend reminded me that “there’s a reason they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first, you can’t help anyone else if you’re under distress.“ So I am trying to get a little sleep, turning the phone off at night, and trying not to cry my eyes out when I read the morning news accounts concerning what’s going on in Ukraine.
So just checking in and checking out. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦