Unfortunately, Mrs. Sweetums's critical thinking skills are poor, and she'll believe anything the Mandarin news tells her, and evidence be damned. There are only two kinds of Mandarin news outlets since the fall of Hong Kong: those owned by the CCP, which thankfully she will not listen to, and the right-wing conspiracy theory wackos who are doing the whole QAnon thing.
For a while, she was quiet about it. Now, every night when I climb into bed, she's trying to convince me that Michelle Obama is transgender, as if I'd care anyway if it were true, but you see it's a terribly disparaging thing to say in Taiwanese culture. And that Barack Obama was an illegitimate president, probably because of Michelle Obama's disqualifying status in the eyes of the average Taiwanese citizen's view at least. I wasn't listening very hard to her extremely problematic chain of reasoning, so I'm guessing at that last bit. Like most of these wackos, her beliefs are based ultimately on faith and not any kind of common sense or facts more than "the whole Internet is talking about it," so you can't argue with her.
It's really getting me down. I keep telling her we just shouldn't talk about politics because we will just fight, but she won't even listen to that. She's determined to get me to see the error of my ways. That's why I climbed back out of bed and am writing this and then working on a story. Plenty of work to do there.
On the bright side, I might be able to use this dilemma as fuel for the fire of my latest novel "The Art of Passive Aggression." I intend it to be the ultimate matrimonial hate-fuck saga.