My aunts dog and her neighbor's dog got into an fight yesterday. They have always gotten along and played together, but for whatever reason the neighbor's dog attacted.
No serious damage was done, but my aunts dog Charles got two hole punched through the ear. They called me and I sped over to help. It is amazing just how much they bleed through the ear. The puncture was about a half inch but bleed like a gun shot wound. They would get the bleeding to stop, but evry time he shook his head it would break open again. My uncle tried putting super glue on the wound because that's what he does when he cuts himself.
All I did was place antiseptic on some gauze and placed one on the inside and one on the outside. Gently wrapped his ear and the wrapped it to his head. When he shook it didn't move and after an hour it was pretty well clotted. Cleaned the glue residue off and then wrapped it gently again.
First fight the poor guy ever got into. No official complaints and since they didn't go to a vet there is no chance of a report on the other dog. A bite history is a bad thing for a dog in my town. Told the neighbors to take their dog in for a checkup, it may have some medically identifiable issues that caused the attack.