You could also say guns don’t kill people.
But I didn't. I don't believe that, but the media, including movies, video games, and the internet don't seem to cause Violence. I believe they help violent people decide what Kind of violence. It's Gun Violence, so one side wants to blame the guns, the other side (who're lobbied by the NRA, and manufacturers) want to point the finger away from the murder weapon, and in some ways they're closer to the truth. (As I see it.)
Because they point to other factorS, plural. The weapon is a factor, and so is the scene of a crime. Narrow the focus to School Shootings, and the selection of which school, which day, which direction they chose to assault it from are as much the ISD's fault as Armalite is responsible for making assault rifles for the Military.
That's why we can't truly understand all of what's going on, at any given time (The present is the hardest, because it's in realtime) We don't know all the factors, and the mind naturally focuses on the factor it finds most significant in the moment. If there were another fireteam shooting like Columbine today, the public image of the Spree Shooter, the lone gunman might make you miss the other shooters elsewhere in the building. The incendiaries on the doors, because we're focused on the shooter in front of us, or chasing us down the halls in the moment. There's no telling whether he was inspired by recent events, or his friends were inspired by the "Trenchcoat Mafia."
When you give everyone a soap box to reach millions, you also provide instant networking for the most dangerous types.
When you ban something, anything because of the worst examples, you deny everyone rights. In this case, the unprecedented right for people all over the world to express ourselves all over the world, almost instantly. If the Internet is to blame, then what would be the obvious solution, banning the Internet? If we blame the Media, then what's the ultimate solution, suppressing the Media?
People are already talking about such things, in the media, and on the internet. In fact, we're doing so right now. If it's a sword, you have to admit that it's double-edged.