Waking up alive. Discovering when I looked to the side display I am still a "new" pervert. My wife wants a divorce but not yet because first she has to loose weight, feel better about herself, get a job, informed me if I ever left her for another woman she shove it so far up my ass that my tonsils would hurt. But she is always telling me I am her best friend and she's only looking out for me. It would take pages to explain everything about our disfunction and how I look to the new day that waits with some fear, some happiness and some dread.
Waking up alive is always a good thing. People have all sorts of difficulty in life. Some days are better than others. It's how you handle it, and how you fight to overcome the obstacles put in your path, that defines you. You have the chance to make things better, you always do and always will. No matter how low things might seem, you can always fight to make it better. Never stop fighting. Never surrender.
I mean two broken Kurig's? SHit this is nothing compared to how the heavens have to align for two Kurig's to be broken at the almost the exact same time. What did you do for that Karma??
My Kuerig broke - pump quit. No coffee for my drive to work.
Get to work. The Kuerig is broken - pump quit.
WTH, is it national Kuerig break down day?
Yep, pretty petty in comparison to a lot of things posted here since the topic was created a year and a half ago. But I've had some pretty terrible things happen to me also that I haven't shared here. I'm sure many others have also. This topic isn't a place to compare who has it worst, or to belittle others. It is just a place to come and vent a little bit.......to blow off some steam. Not every post needs a response, but if you want to offer words of support or encouragement you are always welcome to.
I hope things get better for you, Pat. I also hope each day you wake up, you and your wife find happiness together. I'm happy you joined KB and contribute to our forum.