Ingredients: Assam Black Tea, Spices (Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Chinese Star Anise, Cloves and Nutmeg), Roasted Chicory, Espresso, Natural Flavor and Vanilla BeanWell, fuck me senseless! I've looked all over town this last week and there isn't a box of
Celestial Teahouse 'Dirty Chai' tea bags to be had for any amount of money. Sprouts, Whole Foods, Natural Grocers... hell, even fuckin' TARGET and WALLY WORLD say "
No love, no joy"...
Oh, I can get their pre-mixed Dirty Chai Latte (Liquid Concentrate) at a number of places, but I'll be fucked if I'm paying 5 to 6 times higher price for poorly-filtered tap water plus funny chemicals when all I want is tea bags...
Ingredients: Filtered water, cane sugar, brewed black tea, caramel color, espresso, natural flavor, honey, citric acid, cinnamon, xanthan gum, clove, cardamom and gingerNo thanks, keep your overpriced pre-mix; there's too much weird shit in it that I can't have on this diet, so I just finished
brewing my own batch from scratch with fresh ground spices. I didn't hit the recipe perfectly the first time, but I got close enough that I'm happy. I guess I'll have to stop by the Patel Brothers store this next week and stock up on a shitload of spices for DIY Masala Chai from now on. For the 'latte' part I'm using the
powdered coconut milk that I found a few months ago. It works pretty well, it's half the price of canned or boxed milk, AND it doesn't go bad in a couple of weeks. It's also got less weird shit in it than the boxed coconut milks do.
Oh, by the way, CHAI means TEA in Hindi, so both of those boxes shown above are proudly proclaiming TEA TEA with the words "CHAI TEA" on the front. Someone needs to edumcate the folks at Celestial. Hell, hire an immigrant from India... there has to be ONE person that can help their advertising department. The correct term for what they're selling is "Chai Masala" which means "Spiced Tea" in Hindi.