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Girls pictures being posted to the internet

MintJulie · 1551

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on: May 06, 2016, 04:26:43 AM
Usually when I come on to KB I scroll straight down to recent posts and click the "View The Most Recent Posts" link and then jump to page 4 and view the post in reverse order.
Occasionally there will be a picture of a girl, or two, or more.
There are a lot of beautiful girls out there in their birthday suits, and I will admit I do enjoy viewing them.   I'll even click the topic of the photo and dive in to view additional photos.
Some of the pleasure fades away a bit when I look at a particular girl and think to myself that she let someone take that picture and had no idea it was going to be posted on the internet.   
I feel a bit sad about that and hope that because of a brief moment of having some fun, it doesn't come back to embarrass or humiliate them.

Don't know why, just felt like posting a random thought


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Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 03:19:03 PM

Usually when I come on to KB I scroll straight down to recent posts and click the "View The Most Recent Posts" link and then jump to page 4 and view the post in reverse order.
Occasionally there will be a picture of a girl, or two, or more.
There are a lot of beautiful girls out there in their birthday suits, and I will admit I do enjoy viewing them.   I'll even click the topic of the photo and dive in to view additional photos.
Some of the pleasure fades away a bit when I look at a particular girl and think to myself that she let someone take that picture and had no idea it was going to be posted on the internet.   
I feel a bit sad about that and hope that because of a brief moment of having some fun, it doesn't come back to embarrass or humiliate them.

Don't know why, just felt like posting a random thought

This topic has been discussed here in several different threads, yet it's still a very worthwhile discussion.

On the one hand, posting online a picture of someone without their explicit permission is a major violation.

On the other hand, to paraphrase Rope, is you allow someone to take a picture of you, even in private, given the state of things today, you have to assume that it will, in fact, be posted online without your permission, or without your even knowing about it. In fact, if you taking a selfie and send it to someone else, you should pretty much assume that it will be forwarded, or posted elsewhere.

It's sad, but it's the reality...

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Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 03:20:23 PM

"I wonder what she looks like now?  She's probably pushing thirty, with two kids and stretch marks..."

...and she probably looks even hotter than she did in that original pic...

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 03:24:48 PM
I usually notice a lot of the candids floating around the Internet are ten years old now, or older... and I think "I wonder what she looks like now?  She's probably pushing thirty, with two kids and stretch marks...". But I digress...

Well of course this wasn't meant for you.    I would never expected you to be sympathetic, ya big goof.

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Reply #4 on: May 06, 2016, 03:44:08 PM
I don't post pics of myself. Or my girlfriend. No revenge posts either. If I truly love her why would I want to hurt or embarrass her?

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Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 04:31:07 PM
There are actually many photos of me online, on quite a number of sites, but all clothed, some in protective gear...

I know kids get lots of warnings these days* about any digital images - basically, as soon as it reaches somebody else's computer or phone, if it is at all interesting, embarrassing or sexy, it is going to end up in the public domain.

It is tempting to assuage any traces of guilt by thinking that the teens who sent those naked photos to somebody will realise that strangers are going to see them eventually.



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Reply #6 on: May 06, 2016, 04:38:53 PM
I have two teenaged sons.  Nude selfies proliferate, and I have to warn them that looking at, or downloading, pictures of their girlfriends or classmates could constitute a sex offense under certain pornography laws.

In the UK, you don't even have to look at it - if you receive a completely unsolicited sexual image, by email, text or other messaging service, and don't even open the messaging software, you are in possession of an indecent image.

In the wording of the law, if you open it you become a pornographer, and if you take your phone to the police to show them, you are guilty of sharing an indecent image and they take your phone as evidence; even if they decide they aren't going to prosecute you, they're going to prosecute somebody, and even if they decide not to do that, they can't give an indecent image back to you, and they aren't allowed to delete files from your phone, so they have to keep the phone.

That, in fact, has proven to be one of the biggest deterrents to teens sharing naked selfies over here - if just one person in a group chat posts an indecent image, everybody involved in the chat, even if they'd just left it running in the background, loses their phone as evidence, and they don't get the phones back, ever.

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Reply #7 on: May 06, 2016, 07:31:04 PM
The Internet and Pervasive Attitudes seem to be a problem.
Even on here (KB) we have the thread of Mirror Girls, I know some of them are pro shots, but even then there still are some that (at least) look like they came from the girls own cell phone. The bigger problem (for the girls anyway) is the pressure to send their boyfriends a candid picture of themselves, and that's where the trouble starts simply because the boys will show the guys the picture only meant for them.
Then the other side of the coin, The picture you took or sent today to your boyfriend.?? Is he still your boyfriend 3 months from today or even 3 days from today.??


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Reply #8 on: May 06, 2016, 09:19:02 PM
It's all about the relationship.

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Reply #9 on: May 07, 2016, 06:11:42 PM
There are lots of self pictures, many taken in what appears private bathrooms in the mirror by young girls.  Woman like to know they are beautiful and even at a young age telling a girl she is pretty will make her feel good about herself.  So they want to show off their body, to show how beautiful and yes how sexy they are.  Girls like to excite boys and men.  You sweet things aren't called cock teasers for nothing.  They take the picture in private and send it to someone they like or trust but once on the net it is in the cloud and floats from site to site, person to person.  Of course a girl likes the idea that she can make a guy hard and have sexual desires for her. But they don't really think ahead to the day when they may want to be the perfect wife and mother and then have their picture pop up.  But speaking as a dirty pervert male pig, I love looking at these pictures and dreaming of ravishing their lovely bodies.  Uh, will someone please take the pitch forks and torches away from women here.

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Reply #10 on: May 08, 2016, 01:53:55 AM
This reminds me of something that happened years ago. I was over at a buddy's place.  His family was having a get together. He and I were watching TV when a cousin's wife walked in. She asked what we were watching. My friend jokingly said porn (we weren't). She gave us a lecture about how terrible it was, degrading, yada yada yada. A while later, days or weeks I can't recall, my buddy's dad gets a call from an anti-porn group soliciting funds for their cause. Evidently she had given their unlisted number to this group she supposedly was part of. Fast forward a couple of years my friend is browsing this amateur website  when he stumbles across a picture of his cousin's wife naked on the bed. The pic was captioned, "She still looks good after three kids." Or something to that effect. My friend and I always wondered if her husband put the pic up without her knowledge or if she was knowingly part of it and the antiporn thing was just a ruse. Neither of us had the guts to ask.


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Reply #11 on: May 08, 2016, 02:25:35 PM
There are, unfortunately, a few pictures of me online. But thankfully no one knows me, or my family members Facebooks. There's a few of my wedding, and some other random pics, but no bikini shots or anything. None of my kids, but I think a few of my wife with friends and in her chefs outfit are somewhere.

My sister and her girlfriend have a Facebook and tons of pictures. I don't like that. But I can't stop them. Sometimes random people will find them and say shit like "you're too hot to be dykes. Forget the hole and try my pole."



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Reply #12 on: May 08, 2016, 03:23:46 PM
Forget the hole and try my pole."




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