In free markets, we get paid who much money we generate. If women sports don't generate equal box office sakes as men, they should get paid less. If women sports generate more money than a man's sport, women should get paid less.
It's ironic these women who are capitalist (earning as much as they can based on their talent) are complaining live is not equal. All pro sports, actors, CEO, CFO, doctors, attorneys are commodities.
Nothing comes free. The girls have made a lot of sacrifices through their youth to reach the top level they are on. Just like the men.
Capitalist?? These girls work for years to get a chance to make a living in their sports. Just like the men.
The number of years the women can stay at the top and make money in their sport is very limited. Just like the men.
This is not 9-5. The women have to work hard to stay on top and there are many days away from family and friends. Just like the men.
The United States women's national soccer team is currently considered the best women's soccer team in the world. They are bringing lots of medals, joy and good old American pride to their country. - The men’s national team, not so much
I don’t have numbers on how much TV time the two national teams have compared to each other but maybe one can read some of the answer when looking at the top question when you google “us men's soccer team”:
“Does the US have a men's soccer team?”
So. All in all, I don´t think women should be paid the same in this case. They should be paid more
And all of this came from a scandinavian cave man.