It is a good topic to discuss, and fascinating to contemplate, and then we get to the MONEY. There is no 'concensus' in science, when speaking beyond a theory, where opinions are welcomed, along with the facts behind opinions.
Few argue not to be witnessing changes as to how our planet 'seems' today, as compared to whatever 'history' we may personally recall, or have recalled for us by those we trust and believe.
Facts are found in polar icecap samples, cores taken in Greenland and other accessible locations, and analysis of such cores can help us all understand the changes and significant points provided by historical events.
How much to pay to seek such 'facts', then how much to pay to 'interpret' the findings, and how much to believe the details of such findings enough to use such analyses to predict the future, is all subject to debate, and we spend lots on such items. To what end should we spend more?
The folks doing the research would like much more spending. It is what they do! Spending less affects such scientists directly, and there are others affected by what we spend money on, and thus politicians must deal with lobbyists in this regard.
TAXING individuals to "prevent" the future seems a fools game on it's face.
Carbon Credits seems a scheme for AlGore and others to get rich, and not much beyond that, other than the power associated with regulation/regulators and the natural lure of getting rich doing slick presentations, getting awards for caring... lol.
The Future Is Now. TAXES for Now must be our discussion, with reduction of TAXES being the goal, and righting items where there is benefit now and in the foreseeable future, and foreseeable monetary advantage for all taxpayers.
Where there is foreseeable monetary advantage for a local area, say saving recreational beachfronts in a particular City/State, using new infrastructure to ward off Ocean Level Rise in that City/State, then that should be a discussion for and about the taxpayers of that City/State.
Individuals who may benefit may elect to spend now to reap rewards later, and their spending/solutions may benefit society in the local area later, but the taxpayers need not be the ones funding every project. It should by Individuals who can see benefit to offset today's spending to them, directly... maybe the ability to attract more customers to their businesses, with hard numbers since they are footing the bills themselves, and demanding performance from the results of their investments... quite different than Government spending for the sake of getting reelected next November.
Real facts, real spending by interested investors for profit, real discussion of how all these items affect the average citizen, all make lots of sense.
Confiscation of wealth of you, or me, individuals trying to make a life better for our selves and our families, to somehow, hocus-pocus, keep distant island sea levels lower than they likely will be in 50 years, is wrong. Better those islanders plan to move their huts to higher ground, if they have no monetary benefit to fixing their own problems via self investment in infrastructure.
Frankly, our Nation has bigger fish to fry.
Urban decay and violence, overcrowding of near indigent people (fully financed by our Government = indigent) and moving those folks to less valuable real estate locations for their continued subsistence, other States or whatever may be the solutions so the cities now overrun may return to functional communities for those who are not indigent, or near indigent, may be a great start.
Clear the way for future prosperity in the very near and near term, and tend to such dependent communities in a humane manner, just out in the boonies, where there is space to deal with the dependent's needs. Converting of the least desirable land areas, for such new community creation, understanding the nature of the place will all be government funded, may open up valuable space to those who can provide a sound tax base for our cities.
Just an idea for thought...