Cloud cover is both albedo and insulating blanket. During the day it reflects energy, at night it blankets and holds the heat in.
Yes, but that's not what Albedo is. Technically, it's a factor in the total Albedo, but only for the surface it Covers. It's not the only factor, much less does Albedo=Cloud Cover. Cloud cover affects Albedo, but not alone.
Snow and ice work equally well for albedo, but the energy makes it all the way to the bottom of the atmosphere in that case, so ice & snow are not as effective as clouds for daytime cooling.
Okay, another over-simplification/equivalency. "Equally well." No, because while fresh fallen snow is as Efficient at Dispersing reflected light, it doesn't stay Fresh Fallen very long, once exposed to direct Sunlight (The energy in this calculation. Again Albedo is the </> energy coming in to reflected/radiated out into space. Across the entire daylit surface.)
Water vapor is less efficient than clouds as far as reflection, dunno on heat trapping.
Clouds ARE WATER VAPOR. Condense water vapor. Look it up. It's called an Allotrope. Condensed water vapor reflects Most of the incoming light back out into space. Greenhouse gasses absorb only Infrared efficiently (Methane about 20 times more efficiently than CO2, and breaks down into CO2, and Water Vapor)
White or silvered REFLECTS energy better, black EMITS or transfers heat better.
Black ABSORBS, and RADIATEs more efficiently. Not "Better." That's why it's called Black Body Radiation. The frequency of thermal radiation depends on the temperature, but in the temperature range at the surface of the Earth, that's in the Infrared BAND that CO2 Absorbs. (If you look at the Absorption Bands in the spectrum of sunlight, you can see the CO2 band in Infrared. The more CO2, the darker that band. It's how we measured the concentration in the Greenhouse Planet's atmosphere. Venus, by spectroscopy of the atmosphere when it passes in front of the sun.) So, CO2 is a Band-Block Filter.
Why that's true takes a more studied man than I,
Then listen to my clarifications. Look up the Allotropes of Water. So, you can learn from my expertise, working in the industry.
Diamond is an allotrope of carbon, but I don't think anyone would confuse the two as far as physical properties.
Right, and Graphite is another. Now, hold up Graphite. It's fairly black. Hold up Diamond. It's fairly shiny. Now, look up. See the clouds? See the rest of the Water Vapor? You could, in the right frequencies of Infrared, because it would be Black.
The point is, we can't control the Albedo of Water Vapor. Some of it is white fluffy cloud. The rest is opaque to Infrared, which everything heated by the sun radiates at night. That's the Albedo.
What we can control directly is the concentrations of Methane, C02, and Sulfides. That's why they're important, they're the factors of Albedo we can directly Change.