If you live in ANY metropolitan area (and particularly older cities) and bought a counter-top water filter so you'd be SAFE, think again. That Brita isn't doing you any good.
http://www.naturalnews.com/046536_water_filters_heavy_metals_lab_results.htmlThey tested 7 of the top water filters, and tabulated the results. The lousiest results? The one with the most advertising. TELL me you're surprised about that.
They want your e-mail address before they'll let you look at the results, so I'll save your inbox from spam. Looky here:
To make sense of the numbers, the ZeroWater removed 100% if the aluminum in the test sample. Across the board, the ZeroWater did the best at removing metals.
That -33.9% under ALUMINUM for Brita means that the aluminum concentration in the water AFTER 'filtration' was roughly 1/3
higher than unfiltered test water. Brita ADDED some aluminum for you!
Dude.... wait.... what??
edit: If you cruise around that guy's site, he's got Dr. Oz all a-flutter over his 'heavy metal concentrations in foods' reports. However, if you look at the actual NUMBERS and ignore the graphs, nearly every one is WELL within the limits set by the FDA.
Amusingly, he lists both zinc and copper concentrations (as if they're a Bad Thing), and I take supplements for both. ;-) The FDA has set
somewhat arbitrary limits of around 100 parts-per-billion for most of the heavy metals, which is quite a bit lower than other federal agencies. 100ppb = 0.1ppm (parts per million), and most graphs show about 1/10th of that for the maximum values.
Don't take anything at face value: THINK.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 06:27:23 AM by RopeFiend »
Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)