Sadly, I don't think our Trump thread or Donald himself will be irrelevant any time soon. His "government in exile" and influence over the Republican Party will likely last as long as 35+ million Americans live inside a propaganda bubble that causes them to ignore their own genuine best interests in exchange for a kind of certainty.
Here was a numbskull of a racist/facist who still got the second highest vote total for a US presidential candidate in the history of this country. I fear that unless we educate large swaths of our electorate in critical thinking and/or civics right quick, the next "Trumpist" candidate could not but be that micron less obvious and self-destructive, and soon after that, by popular acclaim, we'll have a new and more permanent President for Life and the dream of this particular democracy wil end.
If I learned anything in the last four years, I learned how fragile our democracy really is. We have an opportunity to pull ourselves back from the brink, but it's a narrow and rapidly closing one. It starts with all people who care about all people's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness working either directly or indirectly to register voters in the state of Georgia.
The history of this country has always been a struggle between the enlightened ideal of liberty and justice for all as a birthright and the definition of "all" orignially meaning an extremely small group of people. This systemic fascism and racism is still baked deeply into the fabric of our society. It's just that now it's being expertly exploited and harnessed. It's time for us to bring the magic of FDR again and make fascism un-American.