The video shows that Trump belives demonstrators, practicing their 1st Amendment rights, should be beaten. He calls upon his followers to do the beating. Any concern about that?
its better than shooting them, i have been watching this chaos grow for months and to tell you the truth i am really surprised one of those business owners didnt get on a roof with an AK and mow down hundreds of idiots in the streets burning and looting ...the restraint shown by the general public has been amazing.
btw the first amendment does not protect your right to loot and burn and shoot and kill and assault and disturb the peace and destroy private property or govt. property. one day some citizen is gonna have enough of this crap and lose it and start sweeping the streets.
and those who pushed these unemployed punks and young kids as pawns to act this way will have their blood on their hands.
like hillary and nancy and orcosio cortez and that other foul mouthed woman from michigan and that dope that stands next to nancy all the time.. and CNN talking heads ...they are all idiots. destroying the minds of the youth and the country just to try to win some stupid election
what the hell did trump do to deserve such extreme hate from them anyway?...won the election??
so what!
try harder next time.
get better candidates.
make better policy.
win an election fair like every other president has done, this isn't f**king mob rules its a DEMOCRACY.
if you don't like it move to some shit-hole 3rd world country and carry on with your looting and stupidity there.