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The Trump thread: All things Donald

joan1984 · 285549

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Reply #6340 on: June 04, 2020, 03:37:33 AM

People who are reporting differently do so, at this point, knowing they are lying and their only motive cold be seeking disruption of the President, and insurrection support, in my opinion.

Donald Trump attacks members of the clergy, to drive them from their own church, so he can take a photo with a borrowed Bible. Violating first Amendment freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, and petition.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #6341 on: June 04, 2020, 03:45:53 AM
This is your opinion, your impression of reality, for reasons others have given you as to intent, and what are you expected to think, when all the news you see is tainted by those who broadcast it, by its volume and tone, with details blurred to gain the desired effect.

Trump visited the Situation Room, as part of an exercise standard to White House Security practice, an Inspection if you will, in advance of any 'need' for such use of that facility. Openness and transparency are exploited by MSM in this case, to mock and undermine, rather than to accurately inform YOU.

President Trump did not order the clearing of Lafayette Park, the U.S. Attorney General did that, independent of a later visit by the President to St. Johns.

Tear gas and bullets of whatever kind were not used in clearing the park.
National Guard was disbursed to maintain order, and protect damaged elements in Lafayette Park, and disbursed no tear gas, though they wore masks. Surely, the military command wanted their Nat Guard troops equipped to withstand gas, thus the masks. It is what they do, under Riot Conditions.

That you and others believe the drivel spread by Democrat sympathetic reports and stories, is a tragedy, and you do it willingly, it seems, which makes it worse.

President Trump made remarks in sympathy with the family of the criminal who died while being arrested, and President Trump accepted openly the Media and Local Government position about the Police Officers at the arrest scene, and said so. He did this at an early point in this saga.

What else would YOU have President Trump do, regarding this arrest which has been chronicled by the Press, those involved arrested, charges building daily in that case, etc. etc.  Do you expect the President to lead a Parade somewhere, every time something happens when a criminal is being arrested?

When thugs at best, and Terrorists, take advantage of a "peacefully assembled" group of citizens, to burn, loot, rob, and cause injury, property damage and such, repeatedly, city after city on a Nationwide Basis, do you expect our local police to do their jobs, Protect and Serve, so to speak?

Do you believe President Trump can STOP such Terror Actions himself? Do you believe your Mayor, your Governor, your Police chief, or State Police, or their backups cannot address and STOP such hooliganism, and intentional chaos and fires?

Each State, each City within a State, has contingency plans for riot and civil commotion, and each locality knows how such events are to be handles, to give all Citizens their Right:  To Peaceably Assemble... as they seek redress.

No where is Terror Acts, setting fires, breaking into automobiles and private property, and more acknowledged as a RIGHT. There is no such Right.

All this discussing of what was used to disperse the crowd, rubber bullets, gas, spray, whatever, the fact of the matter is, trump wanted to try and fix his reputation after tucking tail and hiding in the basement, so he walked to a church held up a prop bible... up side down by the way, to make himself look like he isn't scared and that he cares.  The coward used dozens of police, guardsmen, and secret service to scare off the people he claims to care so much about so he could do a fake photo op.  He is disgusting.  

I said for months that I was going to protest vote because I don't believe in either candidate. Dirty Joe is getting my vote for the simple reason that it can't be trump any more.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #6342 on: June 04, 2020, 04:21:43 AM
First off you assume to know what I watch or read.  Do I read/watch CNN?  Yes.  Do I watch/read Fox news?  Yes.  Do I take both sides of the whole and form my own "educated" opinion? Absolutely.  I also watch and listen to his live ramblings and form an opinion of him with those.

I'm not a genius, i just have a good... you know what  :facepalm:

Secondly, I wasnt saying that they were using gas and rubber bullets.  I said you all are discussing if they were.  I know from watching videos that they weren't using them because I have seen it first hand, and it is far more chaotic when those things are used.

And from most of what I just read from your posting, I am forming an opinion that you believe that trump has no say in what's happening. It was policy and protocol for him to run to the bunker.  Since when does this clown follow anything close to protocol?  He had no idea that they were going to chase off all the peaceful protesters in such a manner?  He couldn't have said something?  He has not control over the attorney general's decisions?  Maybe I should vote for him since he seems to be in charge.

How can we trust a "man" to know what's best for a country when he can't even intervene in chaos right outside his damn gate?

What would have him do?  Well for starters I'd have him stay off of twitter thanking himself for a job well done. To ask for calm and cooperation instead of giving a thumbs up to "domination" by the use of force.  I know he cant stop it, but from where I'm sitting and what I'm seeing everywhere, is that he isnt even trying.  A phone call to the murder victims family is the best he can do?  He is pathetic.  And the fact that you willingly follow such a self involved narcissist just makes it worse.

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Reply #6343 on: June 04, 2020, 05:08:40 AM
  So we agree there is little, short of begging protesting citizens to behave, that a President can do about chaos that may occur during a 'peaceable assembly' that is guaranteed, by God, and specifically noted in the U.S. Constitution.

  The President did condemn the actions taken, acknowledged the perpetrators, etc. etc., called the criminal's family and listened to their end of the conversation and did what all leaders are expected to do by their fellow citizens.
  So, we agree, there is little more to be done, regarding the person who died, and the State and local courts will decide the perpetrators fate, and after they get finished with him, the U.S. Department of Justice (remember the AG, who asked that Lafayette Park be cleared and protected after it was destroyed by the persons exercising their Rights, and those who mixed in with those lovely citizens to cause chaos), yes, the DOJ will take up the cause, and cause all sort of havoc for the local Government, to "get to the bottom of it" as to whether any civil rights violation may have taken place, in the minutes prior to and after the Ambulance arrived, called by the Police who were restraining Mr. Floyd, in answer to his request.

  What action would you expect a President to take, personally, that could make any difference for the dead man, the jailed Officer, or the other charged Officers, so far... or the family of the dead man, or the Mayor of the town, or the Governor of his State?

  How many of the rioters would you think the President should invite into the Oval Office, as the rioters did their thing outside, beating, injuring over 70 U.S. Secret Service Agents right there in Lafayette Park as they tried breaking down the barriers, so as to attack, and what... burn, loot, steal and harm who? The President and his Family? Should he have had some representative group of the Rioters bound, and brought to him to listen to their statements... and ask them to go peacefully into the night... is that what you had in mind?

  Can you cite some history of a President leaving the White House to discuss th issues of the day with rioters, during the riots? How many Secret Service agents do you think would be a good number to accompany the President? Maybe he should bring the wives and children of the 70+ injured Secret Service agents by this same rabble or terror prone thugs... not the peaceably assembled citizens, expressing their God given and Constitutional Rights, but the other ones, the ones throwing rocks, using tools to damage property, and such?

  You enjoy and seem to be rooting for the thugs to win... then what?

  Joe Biden and a woman (of color, any color?) and their merry band of experts and seasoned well meaning staffers can bring us all together, Kum-Bay-AAA...

  Look at your thinking anew please. Realize there are limits, must be limits, and it is proper to have limits... When Officers are dying due to demonstrator actions in Mr. Floyd Demonstrations in California, and other locations, as you and your ilk root for the criminals, cause it makes for great 24/7 Headlines, and you hope hastens the day Mr. Biden, that Pillar of Truth and Strength you so adore, will get to pretend to Govern with the full support of leftist Media, and you and your ilk, as someone pulls the unseen strings out of our sight...


Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #6344 on: June 04, 2020, 05:37:36 AM
The U.S.Park Police, one of the law enforcement agencies involved with clearing the park on Monday,denied using tear gas. But the agency acknowledged using "pepper balls," another chemical irritant that causes people to tear up and cough.  

The agency also said it used "smoke canisters."

But the Park Police was only one of the agencies involved. Others, including the Secret Service and the D.C. National Guard, have declined to say what tactics or munitions they deployed to clear the park on Monday night.

As you see, they used tear gas. Maybe not the military grade stuff, but it still made people sick and tear up. Generically it's all known as tear gas. Hide behind your petty definitions if you want, other people know the truth.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 05:40:07 AM by Lois »

Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #6345 on: June 04, 2020, 07:45:28 AM
You are stuck in a tunnel vision view point.  To you the man who was asphyxiated while in handcuffs was nothing more than a criminal. You still refer to the one who killed him as an officer, because the gods forbid he be the criminal, might make what he did look wrong or something.

Perhaps if trump had gone to his comfy cozy twitter home and discuss injustices, instead of military action.  Ask, not beg, for calm heads, instead of talks of shooting looters.

Why did he even go to the church?  What did that do other than cause havoc in front of the White House?  Invite looters into the oval office?  Do you even know the difference between a looter/rioter and a protester?  I may not be all that smart, but I'm pretty sure rioters and looters don't sit about calmly in a park.  They definitely don't wear the cloth of the church.

How exactly am I rooting for the criminals?  Saying that I don't agree with how trump is handling the situation is saying I want chaos and death in the streets, you need to stop thinking in extremes.  You won't though, because then you may have to rethink the way you see things, you may have to step back and look at the who picture instead of you one sided view.  The same thing you have accused me of doing, only from the other side.

Kumbaya?? Yeah, because whats happening, and the way things are running now.  working so well isnt it?   I'm sure you'll just say it's Pelosi's fault and the dems, when in fact it is all their faults.  It just starts with trump.

Just my opinion though, you can call it sad if you want, that's the beauty of having am opinion, we all get to be right in our own minds.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #6346 on: June 04, 2020, 08:51:49 AM
  You are correct, we see things differently.

  I worry how you will take it when President Trump is elected anew in November, partially with Americans giving their support to him more enthusiastically than last time, after witnessing how the President has been undercut by so many in both Political Parties, and how there is no difference between leftist Democrats, and leftist Republicans, which the Republicans managed to hide so well for so long.

  Not all, but way too many, seem satisfied to accept chaos as our lives, seeking nothing more than what we are allowed to have by those we have elected, and think that is normal, and correct.

  There is much work left to do, not the least of which is getting America back to working and producing anew, while we deal with, and overcome the Virus and those who are willing to sit back and hope for a better life one day.

  There are more Mr. Floyd's out there to be arrested and jailed, without so much drama, and without giving one inch of progress away to looting, shooting thugs along the way. The Courts will shake out the reality in this case, as they have done in past cases, and those closest on the ground will be sacrificed, as was the Officer in Ferguson, MO some years ago, still with his family in hiding from those who would do them harm.

  The struggle always seem to take longer than we wish. Good luck to you.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #6347 on: June 04, 2020, 01:47:22 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how Trump and his supporters always accuse others what they are guilty of. Be it corruption, elections, or even the responses to crises like the ongoing plague and racial divide.
The walk to church and teargassing crowds for that!!! Incredible!

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Reply #6348 on: June 04, 2020, 02:41:09 PM
Americans giving their support to him more enthusiasticall

Perhaps in your own little circle.  The people I talk to including my dad and uncle who were both trump supporter have completely lost faith in him.

Not all, but way too many, seem satisfied to accept chaos 

Those would be trump supporters.  The ever increasing gap between the rich and poor has gotten to many.  His inability to protect farmers and the agricultural community during his tax war has burned too many bridges in states like Wisconsin.

There are more Mr. Floyd's out there to be arrested and jailed

Yes, arrest them for the crimes they commit, dont needlessly pin them the the pavement with a knee, and murder them.

I almost gave you a Woo simply because your stubbornness is truly impressive.  Mind boggling impressive

What will I do if trump is re elected?  The same thing I've done the past four years, live my life the best I can and try to avoid being swept up in the train wreck. 

Good luck to all of us, we sure as hell need it.

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Reply #6349 on: June 04, 2020, 05:33:52 PM
The U.S.Park Police, one of the law enforcement agencies involved with clearing the park on Monday,denied using tear gas. But the agency acknowledged using "pepper balls," another chemical irritant that causes people to tear up and cough.  

The agency also said it used "smoke canisters."

But the Park Police was only one of the agencies involved. Others, including the Secret Service and the D.C. National Guard, have declined to say what tactics or munitions they deployed to clear the park on Monday night.

As you see, they used tear gas. Maybe not the military grade stuff, but it still made people sick and tear up. Generically it's all known as tear gas. Hide behind your petty definitions if you want, other people know the truth.

Potayto potahto

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Reply #6350 on: June 04, 2020, 05:48:10 PM
31 years since China cracked down on peaceful protest by deploying the military to squash pro-democracy protestors killing thousands.  Oh what irony that Trump has suggested the same tyrannical action drawing condemnation from many former generals including his last Secretary of Defense.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #6351 on: June 04, 2020, 06:07:23 PM
  Jim Mattis for President, Third Party, or Biden Replacement perhaps.

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but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #6352 on: June 04, 2020, 06:17:08 PM

According to his beloved Fox, Trumps trails Biden in 3 states he won in 2016.

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Reply #6353 on: June 04, 2020, 09:49:53 PM
 The Episcopal Ministers cited in Lois citation were participants in the Anti-WhiteHouse Demonstration, or were for some other reason on the restricted property of St. John's Church, which is a different Church from the one those women are associated with as Clergy.

  St. John's Church, "The Presidents Church", was boarded over, and marked with no Trespassing signs, after Terrorists attempted to burn it down, such Terrorists acting out violently, the night prior, while under DC Curfew Law, and being told to disperse by those protecting the White House and associated area and complex.

Just because it is called "The Presidents Church" does not mean it belongs to the President.  Nor was it restricted from it's own clergy.  If there was any tresspassing, the perp was Trump as the article below makes clear.

And Trump did not even pray at the church.  It was just used for a photo OP reportedly because he was upset the media said he hid in the White House Bunker the night before.

"He used violent means to ask to be escorted across the park into the courtyard of the church," Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington tells NPR's Morning Edition. "He held up his Bible after speaking [an] inflammatory militarized approach to the wounds of our nation."

"He did not pray," the bishop continued.

"He did not offer a word of balm or condolence to those who are grieving. He did not seek to unify the country, but rather he used our symbols and our sacred space as a way to reinforce a message that is antithetical to everything that the person of Jesus, whom we follow, and the gospel texts that we strive to emulate ... represent."

Every president since James Madison has visited St. John's Church, which opened in 1816 and sits across the park from the White House. Despite that longstanding relationship, Budde says her diocese had no warning of Monday's visit.

"There was no reaching out, no sense that it would require some sort of authorization before using the church as a backdrop in that way," Budde told NPR's Tom Gjelten hours after the incident.

The president had used the Bible, and her church, as a prop, she said.

"I was outraged that he felt that he had the license to do that, and that he would abuse our sacred symbols and our sacred space in that way," the bishop told Gjelten.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 09:53:59 PM by Lois »

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Reply #6355 on: June 05, 2020, 06:10:05 AM

“I’d vote for a tuna fish sandwich before I’d vote for Donald Trump again.”

I'm not okay, you're not okay. But hey, that's okay

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Reply #6356 on: June 05, 2020, 06:38:47 AM
Sounds about right, a tuna fish sandwich. Yup...

“I’d vote for a tuna fish sandwich before I’d vote for Donald Trump again.”

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
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Reply #6357 on: June 05, 2020, 03:02:12 PM

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Reply #6358 on: June 05, 2020, 08:45:19 PM
31 years since China cracked down on peaceful protest by deploying the military to squash pro-democracy protestors killing thousands.  Oh what irony that Trump has suggested the same tyrannical action drawing condemnation from many former generals including his last Secretary of Defense.

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Reply #6359 on: June 06, 2020, 07:06:46 AM