The Episcopal Ministers cited in Lois citation were participants in the Anti-WhiteHouse Demonstration, or were for some other reason on the restricted property of St. John's Church, which is a different Church from the one those women are associated with as Clergy.
St. John's Church, "The Presidents Church", was boarded over, and marked with no Trespassing signs, after Terrorists attempted to burn it down, such Terrorists acting out violently, the night prior, while under DC Curfew Law, and being told to disperse by those protecting the White House and associated area and complex.
The St. John's Church location abuts Lafayette Square, which is Federal Park property. At 6:30, with Lafayette Park being officially closed, U.S. Park Police acted to clear the park. St. John's Church was also closed, since it's fire the night previous, and was marked with No Trespassing signage and barriers. This private property sits at the edge/corner of Lafayette Square.
The National Guard, DC National Guard, under leadership of the General who heads up the area National Guard, has its mission to protect Lafayette Square, including it's lawns, plants, statuary, and the entire park property, and thus are seen being dispatched to follow the Park Police clearing force, take over the property, and keep it secure from vandals. The Park was officially closed.
I read Lois' click site, which notes the National Guard troops word Gas Masks as part of their duty uniform, and the Park Service Police did not wear Gas Masks. There was no tear gas being deployed as a part of the Park Police action and the National Guard was not applying tear gas, no order for it being given.
Lots of Smoke, different colors of smoke, were deployed, and if some thought that was gas, I expect that was a benefit as seen by the Police, who knew it was smoke.
Everyone, including anyone on St. John's Church property (which was closed, and marked as NO TRESSPASSING the entire time), was ordered multiple times by Bullhorn to move away from the area, and if anyone did not comply with the legal order to leave the area, I expect they were passed by persons trying to comply, both with the legal order broadcast repeatedly by bullhorn, and in order to comply with their legal obligation to be AT HOME by 7pm, in compliance with the DC Mayor's Curfew Order.
NO ONE was authorized to ignore the Bull horn announced orders, or the DC Curfew Orders. Anyone with a Cell Phone was alerted to the Curfew Orders by a loud and disturbing claxon sound on their Cell Phone, and a Text Message which remained on their phone with details.
I received that message, and one today for that matter, on my CellPhone.
People who are reporting differently do so, at this point, knowing they are lying and their only motive cold be seeking disruption of the President, and insurrection support, in my opinion.