I’m not wishing anybody harm; however, this is going to disproportionately affect conservatives. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
I’ve been avoiding that sentiment too, but it did cross my mind as a biologist that is well read on and knows a great deal about evolution. It’s survival of the fittest.
I tried to not let this bother me when I first saw it but I can’t anymore and I’ve got enough liquid courage to say screw it. My dad is a registered Republican. You don’t know anything about him, but now that you know this one thing, you’re statement says you hope he catches a deadly disease. You can say you don’t, that you began your statement with “I'm not wishing anybody harm…” however, the word “however” negates that statement. “I’m sorry, but…” is not a real apology it’s an excuse. You might as well had just said, “I’m not wishing anybody harm, however I’ll be happy when you get sick.” Simply because of a difference in views. Like your little cartoon in the other topic, how is this different than trump? I hate this person because he/she is a different race. I hate her because she’s a woman. I hate them because of their different religious belief. I hate this person because of their different political views. It’s just sad.
Now I’m not going to sit here and tell you what he’s been through in his life, not going to tell you what he does with his money, or the things he’s done in his community. Because you wouldn’t care, in your obvious opinion he’s an evil Republican who deserves to catch a deadly disease. I truly wish I had never clicked these political topics, but I’m inquisitive, I like following politics, and now I’m paying for it. They pop up on the feed at the bottom and I couldn’t help myself. I hate that I read this, I hate that I feel I need to explain myself to you and how I’m reacting right now. I hate that this stupid post is making me cry as hard as it is.
I’m non partisan. I’ve voted for Democrats and Republicans. Last Democrat I voted for changed my healthcare and I lost the neurologist that I went to for years. Last Republican I voted for lost. You said something about me losing my va benefits and disability. Both have actually improved for me in the past two years, HOWEVER, I don’t trust what may have happened for that increase to take place, so I donate $200 of my comp. and pen. check from the VA to veteran charities every month. So if I choose to protest vote it’s simply that I have zero faith in either primary or their policies. But I’m not a Dem so I guess that means I’m just as worthless and evil as my dad so if your lucky I’ll catch the virus and you’ll be spared my throw away vote. Then again I may survive, so maybe I’ll just stroll on into my closet and just fucking hang myself… that put a smile on your face?
I'm not wishing anybody harm, so be safe, take care of yourselves and each other