I would say it's not so much how much, but where, as you said another broken promise with infrastructure spending. Build and repair highways, and utility systems. government contracts bring workers into a community where they will spend money and stimulate the local economy which will help growth.
Another way is through our military. Military spending is just half of it, we have military bases all over the world and the amount of money these troops spend in other country is staggering. We talk about closing bases in foreign countries, but to be honest those foreign countries don't want us to, sure the people do, the communities do, but not their governments because of the income they receive from it. If we were to being every American home right now the economic shock would be felt globally. Soldiers spend billions on foreign soil, imagine what that could do for our own economy
Shiela -Well this isn't exactly true. The shock may be felt globally but there would be multiple shocks after that would need to be dealt with and large (huge rather) monetary consequences as well as even more lives on the line. Having bases and Solders, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen all over the world is costing wildly less than it would cost to send troops around the world. We would be fooling ourselves to think this is possible in the world we live in. Think about the time it took to get the troops mobile for WW1 or 2. The fuel costs. Extra support all across the board. What, are we going to fight wars on our own soil...yeah right. Not if we don't have to. Right away unemployment would go through the roof. Everyone coming home at once (imagine all the troops forward deployed and the military contractors as well as civilian contractors, this is no small number) needing jobs, education, resources, housing, etc etc. You mentioned the VA (your comments about the VA I agree with and could go further with as I'm sure you could), well imagine the stress on health care. How about all the equipment, ships, tanks, munitions, etc, etc, etc.
Trade vessels wouldn't have support in areas of conflict. To think our politicians can keep things in line and safe is a joke. We would be cutting the balls off our country. We don't need to be in every single conflick that arises but for national security most of these troops and bases serve a purpose more than just policing the world. Id say that technology has made it possible to not need as many but as long and brave men and women fight war they are needed to protect the interests.
As far as your comments on Trump. You are correct he is a salesman but he is also a business man for sure. To say people fell for his bullshit is no different than people falling for any other politician's bullshit as well. To right the ship isn't going to happen over night and anyone that believes that is foolish. Nor is one man or woman going to be able to accomplish this. The fact that he is not a politician was what appealed to many. Kind of a "stick it to the politicians" in a way. Similar to voting for someone who is black just because they are black or voting for a woman just because they think its time for a woman president.
The choices last election were what they were. I personally like what President Trump being in office is causing. Lets face it its what him being in office is cause not so much him causing. The divide, as long as it doesn't go too far, is exposing people and groups for what they are on both the left and the right. My outlook in regards to this great country differ from the "doomed" outlook you and Farmer Miles share. This country is much stronger than you are giving it credit for. Its in the people not the fucking government. there are examples after examples I can give and that can be seen in day to day life. The spirit is still alive and well. People still to this day want to come here.