Which United States Constitutionathatl laws has President Trump BROKEN? How is it, that he has not been called out by an authority for such law breaking?
Mr. Mueller studied President Trump, and his entire staff, prior to, during his 2016 Campaign, after his election, and after President Trump's Innauguration, up to mere months ago, and did not charge our President with any lawbreaking.
In fact, found no lawbreaking among the President's WhiteHouse staff. The FBI Chief remains FIRED, no legal challenge to any personal act of the Presidient and what legal action has been attempted, largely via rogue leftist Judges who attempt to thwart Nationwide Policy via misuse of their office, have only served to delay and increase the cost for all Americans by their actions.
Understand you do not like Mr. Trump. And, your like or dislike is immaterial in this case. Tell your Representative, and Senators, what you think, and why, and why they should intervene for cause... they need cause...
Choose someone you think you do support, and vote for that person, next Presidential election, coming up in the not so distant future.
Meanwhile, support the Office Of The President, and your Senators, and your Representatives, and help the United States function as a Nation of Laws, not men. This session Democrats have avoided law making, legislating to benefit us all, and have obstructed in every imaginable manner, hoping that is what YOU and other Democrats wish them to do... and not what they said they would do when running for the office.
If there is law breaking, it will be dealt with, in a legal manner, eventually.
Shutting down legislation by the House, and the Senate, is not the answer.
Hopefully, voters will judge existing legislators/Senators by the actions taken in support of their constituents, and purge from office those obstructionists.