Has President Trump's postmaster done something?
No, but your fucking President has, publicly. That's what I'm saying, of course you didn't hear about it, because there was no scandal, therefore it never happened. The pussy grabber in chief doesn't care, so there's no oversite. The same goes for embezzlement, and government spending. That's what happens when you hire an infamous embezzler to watch the watchers, and he appoints a cabinet to systematically dismantle the agencies they're hired as secretaries of. Who's secretary of state, this week? You don't even know, because it's not worth checking your radar. Anyone can get away with anything.
The government is broken. If you're willing to overlook him sexually harassing his favorite daughter, and appointing her to the white-house staff, than you're more than willing to overlook anything (Unless Hillary, or Barack is even accused of it.) Bengazi? Emails? Now those are scandals worth obsessing over for a fucking decade!
What ever happened to that alien invasion state of emergency thing? Did he finish the wall, and that fixed it? Of course not, now what happened to all that money he raised with that promise?
Didn't hear about that scandal either, did you?