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The Trump thread: All things Donald

joan1984 · 282236

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Reply #5880 on: October 18, 2019, 12:08:26 AM
  Staci, "one or more of them will be more enforceable" is exactly where we are, where Democrats are, at this time. Nothing they have tossed up as a trial balloon so far has "stuck" enough to convince Nancy Pelosi that all her Members will vote to Impeach the President. Which is why there has not been a VOTE by the House of Representatives to 'begin Impeachment'. IMHO.

  The first two years were consumed with Mueller Investigation 'leaks' to Media and with various Democrat back benchers seeking opportunity on Sunday show airtime to state they already had the evidence needed to Impeach. Cannot tell anyone what it is exactly, but 'trust me' we have it... kind of statements.

  Mueller Investigation came and went, finding no collusion, charging none of the people in the Trump Administration with anything relevant, leaving some good people 'dangling' out there, such as General Mike Flynn, for process crime charges, and in general wasting 45 or so Million Dollars... and... not following some of the very leads that were available to Mueller, which would have led back to our past President and the various crooks in that President's FBI, and CIA, and other Intelligence Agencies, just now coming to light.

  After the disastrous Mueller Interview by various Democrat Committees, that was dropped as a non-starter, and a few other supposed high crimes were trotted out, milked by the leftist media, only to be overcome by different 'high crime' wannabe incidents... then 'the Whistleblower' story, with the entangled Intel Committee staffers and chairman, and changing the very rules, so anyone without first hand information can say whatever they wish... all secret, even now being abandoned, the whistleblower CIA guy that is... to keep prying eyes from finding Chairman Schiff's fingerprints all over it...

  Today, at the start of the day, Trump abandoning the Kurds, was the latest High Crime wannabe, and by this evening the US and Turkey have agreed to a cease fire in Syria... putting another High Crime suspect into has been status, seems... so Back to Espionage, I suppose... or Russians again, Putin again...

No one seems to know. All the High Crimes & Misdemeanors have been B.S. so far, as "Impeachment bait" to gain a vote by the entire House, in Democrat view by Speaker Pelosi, and so here we are... with "*Impeachment" hearings that are not valid as such, for charges that are not at all officially claimed, as we await whatever may happen overnight...

Friday awaits, document drops at 5pm? Who cares...

As the President likes to say: We will see what happens...
Meanwhile, G7 Meeting at Doral Resort in early June 2020...


Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #5881 on: October 18, 2019, 12:36:09 AM
  When will TheHouse vote on Impeachment? Is 'Espionage' the Charge that TheHouse has decided to pursue? Is that the High Crime or Misdemeanor?

That's what he's guilty of, so yes.  They haven't officially 'charged' anything yet, and keep on clinging to that meaning that he's innocent, 'no collusion,' not guilty, or fake news until it happens.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #5882 on: October 18, 2019, 01:57:17 AM
No vote of the House for Impeachment. No charge of any HighCrime.


She does not have the votes.

Trying to keep Biden off the front page works.
Keeping Schiff and the CIA whistleblower off the front page is working, too.

Democrats have no interest in anything but Impeachment, hoping for Trump
to cut and run... no one to beat him in 2020...

play the cards you've got...

  When will TheHouse vote on Impeachment? Is 'Espionage' the Charge that TheHouse has decided to pursue? Is that the High Crime or Misdemeanor?

That's what he's guilty of, so yes.  They haven't officially 'charged' anything yet, and keep on clinging to that meaning that he's innocent, 'no collusion,' not guilty, or fake news until it happens.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #5883 on: October 18, 2019, 02:37:47 AM
Democrats have no interest in anything but Impeachment...


Offline Lois

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Reply #5884 on: October 18, 2019, 03:17:47 AM
There are so many crimes Trump can be charges with it's not funny.  I'm certain congress willdecide on the ones most can agree on and leave the rest for the courts once Trump is removed from office.

Republicans are realizing they might have time to rid themselves of Trump and find someone else that can rescue the GOP ticket.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #5885 on: October 18, 2019, 04:11:01 AM
Tell me, what else do Democrats have with a chance to become law NOW?

They have abandoned progress on the new Canada/Mexico/US trade deal, will not take it up in the house.

They have forsaken legislating, working for their constituents, for chasing the
goal of Impeaching our President, because he won in 2016.

When he wins in 2020, what will the Nation expect of Democrats then?

Democrats have no interest in anything but Impeachment...


Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #5886 on: October 18, 2019, 05:08:41 AM
Tell me, what else do Democrats have with a chance to become law NOW?

What are you talking about?  "Have with a chance to become law."  You said they have "no interest in anything but impeachment" which is bullshit.  The climate is still changing, we have a bunch of Congressional seats to fill, including the head of the House Oversite Committe...

You don't seem to be interested in much other than Donald Trump getting impeached/re-elected, but I assure you, the Democrats are not so short sighted.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #5887 on: October 18, 2019, 06:36:47 AM
Ok, we will all play along. Having a chance to become law, this session, is what many expect of their legislative reps.

Endless hearings and passing useless poison pill filled partisan legislation that has no meaningful chance of attaining passage, and a signature, is useless. The time squandered appeals to me, as so long as this is the attitude, less damage is done to the Country.

Carolyn Maloney will do fine as Acting Chair of Oversight Committee. Will see if she lives long enough to make any difference there. Is a bit long in the tooth, as I recall. However, she is from another solid blue urban district, fits Nancy's selections well, a close group with common interests, same as all the other chairs.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Jed_

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Reply #5888 on: October 18, 2019, 03:50:14 PM
There are so many crimes Trump can be charges with it's not funny.  I'm certain congress will decide on the ones most can agree on and leave the rest for the courts once Trump is removed from office.

Republicans are realizing they might have time to rid themselves of Trump and find someone else that can rescue the GOP ticket.

The hypocrisy is if even the tiniest fraction of what’s true about Trump was true of a Democrat in the White House, the Republicans would be so frothing at the mouth outraged they’d skip impeachment, grab their guns and march en masse straight to the White House and put the current resident in front of their own firing squad.  And the Democrats in Congress would agree the person of their own party needs to go.


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Reply #5889 on: October 18, 2019, 04:22:13 PM
Having a chance to become law, this session, is what many expect of their legislative reps.

What having a chance to become Law?  Nobody is proposing a new law with regards to him conspiring with the Ukraine, and Russia.  We can skip that step, and go right ahead with charging him with Treason.

This isn't just about the President, but also the Precident.  Moving forward, past the "You're fired" administration, we need to make it perfectly clear that our Elections are not for sale to the highest bidder internationally.  That's what he's charged with: offering to sell our elections to foreigners for favors.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 04:27:20 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline Lois

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Reply #5890 on: October 18, 2019, 04:27:57 PM
Articles of Impeachment will likely say:
1. Soliciting a foreign power to influence a US election.
2. Undermining National Security by witholding aid to preassure a foreign power to interfere in a US election,
3. Lying about it.
4. Obstructing a Congressional invetigation into the above matters.

But of course we are still in the inquiry stage, so no charges have been made yet.

Trump has been a disaster for America. He has undermined our National Security at every turn and has been too stupid to realize it.  And the thing is: the Republicans are starting to realize this too.  They know we can't afford another four years of Trump, but they will stall and hope he is voted out so they don't have to risk their political necks by voting for impeachment.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 04:33:32 PM by Lois »

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Reply #5891 on: October 18, 2019, 04:36:19 PM
Having a chance to become law, this session, is what many expect of their legislative reps.

What having a chance to become Law?  Nobody is proposing a new law with regards to him conspiring with the Ukraine, and Russia.  We can skip that step, and go right ahead with charging him with Treason.

Why do you bother?  It’s like arguing with a parrot that spends all day on its perch in front of a TV tuned to Fox.  Other than cracking nuts and trying to bite fingers, it just parrots what it hears on Fox.

No new laws are needed to impeach Trump.  The United States Constitution applied just as our Founding Fathers intended works just fine.


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Reply #5892 on: October 18, 2019, 04:39:06 PM
Why do you bother?

Shits, and giggles?  I know I'm not going to convince Joan, but it's still misinformation.  Other people can read these lies, and confusing jumbles, then get the wrong idea.

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Reply #5893 on: October 18, 2019, 05:32:48 PM
Why do you bother?

Shits, and giggles?  I know I'm not going to convince Joan, but it's still misinformation.  Other people can read these lies, and confusing jumbles, then get the wrong idea.

People reading and posting here are usually literate and can recognize ‘confusing jumbles’ or blustering confused letters to a Turkish autocrat for what they are.

I pity da fool dat can’t!

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Reply #5894 on: October 21, 2019, 11:30:37 PM
Just saw Trump say, ‘Tulsi is not a Russian agent.’

I feel like the unspoken words by Trump after that we’re, ‘I know this, because she’s not at any of the meetings.’


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Reply #5895 on: October 21, 2019, 11:32:15 PM
Quick, get her to say "Moose, and Squirrel."

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Reply #5896 on: October 22, 2019, 12:23:11 AM
Quick, get her to say "Moose, and Squirrel."

I was thinking about Boris and Natasha too recently in a very similar context!

Offline Lois

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Reply #5897 on: October 24, 2019, 02:53:29 AM
Latest polls, now 55% want Trump removed from office.

Pelosi was concerned that impeachment proceedings would make Trump more popular, because all previous impeachment proceedings had this effect on the incumbent.

But Trump is a very unpopular President, and his corruption is unprecedented.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #5898 on: October 24, 2019, 06:50:58 AM
Not Exactly... 55% in a single poll, with 3 1/2 point MOE, now say they favor "The impeachment process" as they understand the current House Democrat process now underway.

Far different than Removal of the President, as I am confident you know.

Removal would presume that 'The House' votes to begin a Impeachment Investigation, with more than 217 votes in favor of such on a recorded vote.

Further, Removal would presume that TheHouse votes to Impeach President Trump on a recorded vote, after the formal Impeachment Inquiry has been completed, and made public along the way, including the televised process, with all House Members open to subpoena witnesses, and to cross examine every called witness in the process.

Once Impeached, the U.S. Senate must accept the House's result, and may reject it or accept it, with a majority vote. Accepting it, the Senate will begin a Senate Trial.

After such a trial, a 2/3 Majority of the Senate is required for Removal, if the Senate thus decides, or the demand is null, and the President continues as if there had been no such trial.

Vast majority of Democrats are in favor of Impeachment Process. Vast majority of Republicans reject the current Impeachment Process. Various Independents seem split on the matter, depending upon who asks and how exactly the question is worded.

Popular opinion polls are of little value, vary widely, and this is a Political Process and Issue, with President Trump likely to be found Innocent, and any Republican voting against their President likely to lose their next election.

To date, no illegal act has been adjudicated, or charged by any responsible party in this process. The actual process has not really even begun, except in the minds of Partisan Democrats and Leftist Media in deep blue States.

Latest polls, now 55% want Trump removed from office.

Pelosi was concerned that impeachment proceedings would make Trump more popular, because all previous impeachment proceedings had this effect on the incumbent.

But Trump is a very unpopular President, and his corruption is unprecedented.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #5899 on: October 24, 2019, 02:17:35 PM
Not vast majority of Democrats, all of them.  Even Trump whined about how they stick together, but then unprecedented corruption and dereliction of office will unite Democrats and make cracks in the Republican front.

Best thing about this is the country will have Trump’s unfitness for office paraded in their face.