The first named, Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty has only been observed by the US, not by Russia, for some years. So, yes, the President decided we would no longer act as if bound, when we are the only one observing the "treaty".
I presume it was a Treaty, actually, and I do not recall Congress taking a vote about our disregard for it as a Treaty, so knowing how Dems would howl, and nevr Trump Republicans as well, should they feel Congress being slighted, seems odd somehow. Will do some further research on that.
The rest of the 'agreements', 'Pacts', and such are just that. Non-binding things where the U.S. Administration once agreed were in U.S. Interests, and now, the Administration deems them less in the U.S. Interests. Some never were in the United States actual interests, just no one bothered to do anything serious to stop the uneven playing field to which we were presumed 'bound' by others who were not bound either, such as Paris Accords.
There is a reason such things were not called 'Treaty', or 'binding', or needed agreement of Congress to step away from by President Trump. Not all were the sole fault of Democrats... lots of blame to go around... and negligence by Congress, not wishing to take difficult votes, or to raise hell when a 'Pact' was shoved down their throat, is no excuse for the US to be bound forever to anything against our best interests.