The birther thing no longer really matters, does it. A win for Barry.
Not saying any big deal, except saying some questions were simply shouted down by Media and The White House, and it is what it is. Does not matter what I think in any event. I live in DC, so "we" give 3 electoral votes to Democrats every time. Reincorporation into Maryland (The Virginia portion already was retaken by the State of Virginia) will remove Two of the Three Electoral College votes, those supposedly representing 'our' two "Shadow Senators"...
The other Electoral College vote DC always contributes only to Democrats, is to represent 'our' non-voting Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives.
We have enough people to have a single Congressperson, barely, so that vote will simply move to Maryland, and the person who holds the U.S. House Seat for that District in Maryland, will be elected by Maryland Democrats, forever or so far into the potential logical future, than it truly does not ever matter.
So the net result would be to take 2 Electoral votes away from Hillary's count in 2016, or from 'you pick them' whoever gets the Democrat nod for 2020, or whatever year the District Of Columbia fades properly into history, so far as any Electoral votes may be concerned, and whatever non-residential area of land surrounding the Capitol, the WhiteHouse, and Pentagon, likely, along with Langley VA and a few other local places will take on the DC moniker.
Not likely to happen any time in my lifetime. Hopefully no Statehood either for DC in my lifetime, or any or your lifetimes, or your children... the damage is already done, with the permanent over-vote Electorally, for Democrats.
Is anyone paying attention to the planned MOVE of the U.S. Department Of Agriculture from DC, to the Heartland?
Many thousands of current Federal workers are planned for displacement, should they not wish to move to retain their positions, and those folks are due to submit their Move or Go decisions formally by the end of this month. I read there is some leeway to end of September 2019.
Some functions of DOA will likely remain local, perhaps under DOA, more the likely situation is the functions will be transferred to other Federal Agencies, in whole or in part, and only some 'small' (in Fed Terms, no idea what that may mean in Billions of Dollars spent annually) location in or near DC.
Virginia and Maryland House Members will likely fight to the last dog to stop the DOA move, so as to placate the bureaucrats affected, and in the end this will be for the good, for U.S. Taxpayers, if retention of millions of Federal workers is for the good at all. Will no doubt benefit, and affect, the Heartland location(s) to which chunks of DOA are moved...
This work needs to continue, whittling the Federal Government footprint from the present location(s) to lower cost, more central to their focus, States, more Rural than City new locations, hopefully, and less costly to maintain supposed new construction spaces, versus the antique buildings now supporting Agency employees.
Peeling away the 'entrenched' bureaucrats, via force reduction, or retirement (forced or buy-outs) is a healthy thing for us all.
When a horse and buggy was the mode of transportation, it made sense to have the Federal Agencies close to the Legislators and WhiteHouse. No longer necessary, and where practical, where possible, the various States should be considered to 'spread the wealth' of so many jobs, as States embrace such an opportunity, and DC sheds itself (hopefully) or the giant, ancient, polluting buildings now in use for these functions.
May the 'migration' proceed apace...