Perhaps now, with some unexpected time available, the Speaker and others who care about Federal Workers, can find the time to do their jobs, here in DC, to avoid the required by Statute Reduction In Force (RIF) review, when Federal workers, classified as not being "essential", are away from their work for 30 days or more.
Such non-essential workers are subject to removal from the workforce (RIF), Speaker Pelosi knows this of course, being a outspoken advocate in their regard and would not want to miss out on an opportunity to meet with the President's team, to meet the needs of the troubles at our Southern Border, and to end this shutdown.
Saving her from being away on a weeklong junket, so Democrats can save the day in this regard, is something she may thank President Trump about, as she realizes the error of her ways.
Or not... maybe the whole gang will fly 'commercial'... and leave her beloved workers to fend for themselves...