Thank you, Katiebee. A Democrat concerned about the Deficit. Who knew?
How about you, Katiebee, and your standard of living, earnings, and confidence related to our Economy lately.
Has your life/living situation declined since the 2016 Election? While any single person may have seen a decline, you would be an outlier, methinks.
Our economy is just now showing the effects, as were projected/forecast by this Administration, and while the Markets climb remains a day to day thing, most no longer need to abide the previous Administration's advice that we should get used to losing, get used to making do, get used to 'the new reality' of low Growth, low Employment, and we should expect more of the same as we looked to the future.
I hope you are not continuing to live on the edge, expecting a downturn as you view each day, and are instead reaping some rewards from the 'new' economy, brought to you courtesy of more confident businesses, having to battle fewer regulations, more common sense choices in the coming future.
Government Spending remains to be tamed, especially as related to Growth in sustainable Manufacturing and increased stability in Service as we grow.
If you yearn for the good old days of less than 2% Growth, unemployment for everyone which reached high numbers, as opposed to todays Full Employment, or nearly, then Vote your wishes. Bring back the promised Higher Taxes, lower Growth, and all the increased Regulations you can imagine.
Nancy and Chuck will take care of everyone, right? No need for an economic plan, just plan on higher taxation, higher regulation, less manufacturing, less employment, wage stagnation, and the usual Democrat economy we enjoyed from the time our last President was elected, until he retired two terms later.