Before WWII, many Jewish people in Europe tried to immigrate here, but they were denied. One of the reasons was the fear that they might be NAZI's.
So many died that could have been saved, including Anne Frank and her family.
Then we had Syrians fleeing ISIS, and they were denied refuge because they might be ISIS, in spite of our rigorous screening of such refugees. We were even told by Trump that there was no screening (a lie) in order to justify his stance.
Now we have a similar issue. People are fleeing gang violence and they are being denied refuge because they might be gang members. And again this is being said with no proof, and in spite of the rigorous screening of such applicants.
So how many will die because they are turned away? Some already have: you don't want these people coming here, then help them make their own countries more livable. And don't deny the hand the U.S. has played in the destabilization of such countries.