Do not presume to tell me what I can post, or not post, or what structure you demand. Just don't.
I beg your pardon, isn't this what you are doing with me here? Ordering me to stop posting something? Irony much? And by the way...isn't this EXACTLY what forums are for? To lay out positions so that others may read them and criticize them? I'm quite sure it is.
I'm criticizing how you structured you post because I think what you're doing is deceptive. You don't have to change anything at all, but If you continue to merge you writings with various quotations from articles, without indicating that you're doing it, I'll keep calling you on it (check out my various conversations with Sensualtravler if you don't believe me).
My guess is that you WILL take my comments to heart, however, because I'm actually pointing out a flaw that weakens your arguments. If you incorporate my comments you'll just be that much better at expressing yourself. Clever writers understand that tough critics are really their best friends because they help them to become more powerful writers. But, hey, if you want every discussion between us to be about how you use words to try to deceive your readers, I'm down for that too. Up to you.