What part of 1408/Politics section do some here not understand.
What the WH is said to be saying in the Mainstream Media reports, and what the Washington Post or the White House actually "knows" about SC Mueller's activities and approach, is meaningless drivel, promoted as a distraction, as I believe neither knows exactly what the SC has as his so called "approach", let alone his taking over a National Security investigation, and turning it into a Criminal investigation, at this point in his tenure.
All drivel, quotes from unnamed sources, snippets of supposed replies to some loaded questions, shouted from the Press, or whispered among those who conspire with the Press, are simply proved not to be taken seriously, or with a large grain of salt. Guestimates of what will happen have proved wrong to date.
Watch as the attempted assassination of House and Senate Republicans by a rabid leftist who believes all the post election, and even pre election propaganda is relegated off the daily "news" cycle, where it can be ignored by the public.
Does anyone doubt that if Nancy Pelosi, or Stenny Hoyer were under the knife today for their third operation, remaining in critical condition, that the Post or Times would headline housing projects in the UK on page one, above the fold?
House and Senate Democrats, usually quick to call for hearings, investigations, calling for the public to remain calm... are attempting to wish this one away, as no one wishes to be branded with it's ownership.
Ignore all those people calling for harming the President, and his Party... nothing to see here... bloody heads, what bloody heads... just art... stabbing Trump to death to ovations in Central Park nightly? On the taxpayer's dime?
Nothing to see here, pay no attention, no one would take such things seriously, right? Right?