Please NAME ONE Russian who benefited in some manner from Trump during the Primary or General Election period in 2015 and 2016. Thank you.
Oh, please include a list of the names of Clinton associates and campaign staff who communicated with Russians during the same time period.
For this purpose WikiLeaks does not count... we already know Clinton folks were chatting them up regularly, and one paid with his life, seems.
This great, Joan; absolutely great. I'm surprised, but also, obviously, very pleased that you have joined in the calls for a complete and detailed investigation so that these (and numerous other) questions can be answered. Obviously, only after the appointment of an independent special prosecutor, complete with subpoena power, will we have the means to probe these questions. Don't fret; it's coming. If Trump has done anything with this strange move to boot Comey, it's that he will end up launching the investigation into high gear. I suspect we'll have a pretty clear picture before too long.
Flynn might be the key. From reading the tea leaves, I'm pretty sure they have enough on Flynn to file criminal charges. If he was operating under instructions from Trump or the campaign, I'll bet he cuts a deal to avoid jail time.
But I doubt it will ultimately matter. Trump and his people had so many contacts with Russian operatives at various levels in the campaign organization, the cabinet, his family and friends, I don't think it's going to be hard to find a thread to pull. It's not like Trump has been careful to cover up his tracks. He's actually about as obvious as you could imagine. Later, years from now, I'm sure we'll all get a good chuckle out of how seriously he messed things up for a while, given that he's really just a complete train wreck of a politico. I mean, not only is he in Putin's pocket, he's dumb enough to talk up Putin like he's the best thing since sliced bread -- at the same time the Russians are interfering on his behalf.
Could you possibly be more obvious?
While Trump has continued to withhold -- against his campaign promises -- his tax records, he won't be able to keep that information private if ordered to turn it over to a special prosecutor. That may be all it takes to start bringing down the house. Are most of the last half dozen real estate projects funded with Russian money? Did Trump lie about it during the campaign? I'm sure you can see it play out in your mind too. I'll bet the tumble down goes a lot faster than the climb up lasted.
If you've got some savings stashed, Joan, I think you might have an opportunity to make a few bucks.