The problem is obvious.
Hey Trump and company; it's time to acknowledge the obvious. You got caught making up really ridiculous claims, and rather than continuing to dig yourself deeper into a hole you should shut up and move on. You're embarrassing yourself, and the nation.
Suggestion; put your energy into finding something, somewhere which you can accomplish with even basic competence, and without excessive drama. Even a tiny success at something small would be a welcome relief from the incompetent results we hear about on a daily basis.
White House Reportedly Apologizes Over Claims The UK Spied On Trump'We’ve received assurances that these allegations will not be repeated.”The White House has assured the UK Government that allegations that Britain’s GCHQ spied on Donald Trump will not be repeated, Prime Minister Theresa May’s official spokesman has said.
The charge, made on Tuesday by Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano, that the UK’s signals intelligence agency GCHQ had helped Obama to wire tap Trump after his victory in last year’s U.S. presidential election, was “ridiculous,” the spokesman said.