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The Trump thread: All things Donald

joan1984 · 282626

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Reply #1600 on: February 27, 2017, 12:02:46 AM
There is no Administration member named Brannon, which was my statement.

Not true. Does Bannon work for Trump, and draw a paycheck? Then he's part of the Administration.

My guess is that what you are trying to say is that he is not a member of the Cabinet, which he isn't. But he is certainly part of the Administration.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 12:06:13 AM by Northwest »

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Reply #1601 on: February 27, 2017, 12:13:05 AM
If the shooters were Muslims, Trump would not have been silent.

Donald Trump’s Silence
You are not making America great again. You are destroying its moral fabric.

It has been three days since Srinivas Kuchibhotla, Alok Madasani, and Ian Grillot were shot in a terrorist attack by a man who shouted, “Get out of my country,” before opening fire. Three days. Three days that the Indian-American community has been in mourning. Three days that a young woman has been widowed. Three days that the two survivors have been healing. Three days that minorities everywhere have been living in fear.

And not one word from Donald Trump. Not one visit to Kuchibhotla’s widow. Not one phone call to the survivors. Not one tweet. Nothing.

This from a man who has time to whine about a sketch comedy show, gloat about the ratings of a reality show, complain about his daughter’s shoes not being sold in a store, and cast doubt on the free press.

This from a man who jumped at the opportunity to tweet when there was an attempted attack at the Louvre in France that thankfully killed no one.

But this attack did kill someone. In your own country. Someone who worked hard to come to America, and who contributed every day to making it a better place, only he didn’t wear a red hat that touted what he was doing. He was someone who was shot just for existing.

And yet, not one word of condolence for the victims or condemnation for this hate?

I guess Trump and people who voted for him have never felt what I and millions are feeling today. I bet they didn’t grow up being told they were “less-than” by their peers and teachers. I bet they don’t know what it is like to be asked daily where their dot is, or if they shower, or if their dad owns a slurpee shop, all in an Apu accent, because they are brown.

I assume they have never had to clean glass shards embedded in their living room carpet because someone threw a brick through their window because they are brown. I’m sure they’ve never had someone shout at them, “Go back to your country, Osama!” because they are brown. I guarantee they’ve never had to cancel a trip to Canada, despite living a few minutes away from the border, despite being American citizens, because they’re brown. Because they’re scared their young children will be detained at the border and hassled, or worse, they will be separated from their breastfeeding baby who depends on them for food.

Because that happened to someone. Just last month.

And I’m positive they have never been physically attacked for no reason at all. For existing. For wearing a turban, or a bindi, or a hijab, or just their skin, like Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani were.

Lucky you. You will never know the fear and pain millions of your fellow Americans are going through because of your hate-filled rhetoric. But I have lots of friends who have this privilege. Unlike you, though, their hearts are broken for what is happening in a country built by immigrants. Unlike you, they speak out when they see hate. They know that no one should feel less-than. They know that the death of a brown man is more important than a store not carrying your daughter’s shoes. They know that a president’s silence in the face of hatred just further fuels the hatred he built his campaign on, and just confirms the feelings of not belonging, and not mattering.

You are not making America great again. You are destroying its moral fabric. You are attacking democracy. You are deciding who matters and who doesn’t. You are spreading hate and fear daily. You may have tricked some people into believing you will be everyone’s president but you haven’t fooled me. Your silence says it all, and it’s disgusting.

Offline Lois

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Reply #1602 on: February 27, 2017, 03:31:02 PM

We are 40 days into a new Administration, without the luxury of 60 patriot votes in the US Senate, and so what you see is organized Democrat obstinance, and some RINO leftovers who need to be purged as we go forward, and left in the dust in the near future, as there remain close to 600 presidential appointee positions left to fill by Senate confirmation, 40 days...

Purge?  We do not engage in purges within political parties in the United States. If you like purges, maybe you would be more comfortable in Stalin's Russia.

The illegal leaks, and leakers, should face prosecution with the stiffest possible sanctions, each and every one of them, of whatever ilk or party.

The leaks are a result of unsuitable appointments within the administration.  There are clearly factions fighting within the administration and Bannon is especially hated.

I've got another solution if you don't like leaks.  Trump and his regime should not do anything so embarrassing it is leak worthy and increase transparency.  Problem solved.


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Reply #1603 on: February 27, 2017, 04:24:18 PM
If the shooters were Muslims, Trump would not have been silent.

Donald Trump’s Silence
You are not making America great again. You are destroying its moral fabric.

It has been three days since Srinivas Kuchibhotla, Alok Madasani, and Ian Grillot were shot in a terrorist attack by a man who shouted, “Get out of my country,” before opening fire. Three days. Three days that the Indian-American community has been in mourning. Three days that a young woman has been widowed. Three days that the two survivors have been healing. Three days that minorities everywhere have been living in fear.

And not one word from Donald Trump. Not one visit to Kuchibhotla’s widow. Not one phone call to the survivors. Not one tweet. Nothing.

This from a man who has time to whine about a sketch comedy show, gloat about the ratings of a reality show, complain about his daughter’s shoes not being sold in a store, and cast doubt on the free press.

This from a man who jumped at the opportunity to tweet when there was an attempted attack at the Louvre in France that thankfully killed no one.

But this attack did kill someone. In your own country. Someone who worked hard to come to America, and who contributed every day to making it a better place, only he didn’t wear a red hat that touted what he was doing. He was someone who was shot just for existing.

And yet, not one word of condolence for the victims or condemnation for this hate?

I guess Trump and people who voted for him have never felt what I and millions are feeling today. I bet they didn’t grow up being told they were “less-than” by their peers and teachers. I bet they don’t know what it is like to be asked daily where their dot is, or if they shower, or if their dad owns a slurpee shop, all in an Apu accent, because they are brown.

I assume they have never had to clean glass shards embedded in their living room carpet because someone threw a brick through their window because they are brown. I’m sure they’ve never had someone shout at them, “Go back to your country, Osama!” because they are brown. I guarantee they’ve never had to cancel a trip to Canada, despite living a few minutes away from the border, despite being American citizens, because they’re brown. Because they’re scared their young children will be detained at the border and hassled, or worse, they will be separated from their breastfeeding baby who depends on them for food.

Because that happened to someone. Just last month.

And I’m positive they have never been physically attacked for no reason at all. For existing. For wearing a turban, or a bindi, or a hijab, or just their skin, like Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani were.

Lucky you. You will never know the fear and pain millions of your fellow Americans are going through because of your hate-filled rhetoric. But I have lots of friends who have this privilege. Unlike you, though, their hearts are broken for what is happening in a country built by immigrants. Unlike you, they speak out when they see hate. They know that no one should feel less-than. They know that the death of a brown man is more important than a store not carrying your daughter’s shoes. They know that a president’s silence in the face of hatred just further fuels the hatred he built his campaign on, and just confirms the feelings of not belonging, and not mattering.

You are not making America great again. You are destroying its moral fabric. You are attacking democracy. You are deciding who matters and who doesn’t. You are spreading hate and fear daily. You may have tricked some people into believing you will be everyone’s president but you haven’t fooled me. Your silence says it all, and it’s disgusting.

Offline Lois

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Reply #1604 on: February 27, 2017, 04:34:04 PM
It is perfectly intelligible to me.  Are you sure you can read?  :emot_laughing:


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Reply #1605 on: February 27, 2017, 04:38:08 PM
I read every insanely stupid word, honey.

Are you sure you can't pop your head out of your ass and look around you for 5 seconds to see reality or is it so far up there the only thing you can see is shit?

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1606 on: February 27, 2017, 05:50:09 PM
Didn't you just complain about being attacked?

« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 05:52:49 PM by Athos_131 »

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Reply #1607 on: February 27, 2017, 06:13:44 PM
Don't you have articles from liberal websites to copy and paste?  :emot_laughing:

Offline Northwest

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Reply #1608 on: February 27, 2017, 06:44:13 PM
Poor Chirpy; she's feeling rejected again, and needs a big hug. The last time she got like this was when the telemarketer hung up on her, before she could hang up on the telemarketer.

It was something like that again, wasn't it Chirps?

The article was excellent, of course. I almost commented on it when Lois posted it.

Watch this three times a day, Chirp, and avoid embarrassing yourself on the forum.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1609 on: February 27, 2017, 06:46:45 PM

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Reply #1610 on: February 27, 2017, 07:07:01 PM
Poor Chirpy; she's feeling rejected again, and needs a big hug. The last time she got like this was when the telemarketer hung up on her, before she could hang up on the telemarketer.

It was something like that again, wasn't it Chirps?

The article was excellent, of course. I almost commented on it when Lois posted it.

Watch this three times a day, Chirp, and avoid embarrassing yourself on the forum.

Telemarketers? What do you think this is, 1995?  :emot_laughing:

Offline Northwest

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Reply #1611 on: February 27, 2017, 07:20:48 PM
Hey, Chirps, I love playing with you, but why don't you start a thread called "I'm Chirpy; look at me." or something similar. I come play with you there (seriously; I will).


I'm sure he's already got people deciding on where to pick a fight. What's the point of being president if you can't blow stuff up, right Don?

All of you morons who voted for this clown, and who keep supporting him are going to own these deaths. Only a complete fool lets children play with loaded guns.


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Reply #1612 on: February 27, 2017, 07:43:56 PM
It's so much more fun to bother you here where you have ready made stupid shit typed in.  :D

Offline Northwest

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Reply #1613 on: February 27, 2017, 07:53:34 PM
The first rule of trolling, Chirps, is you aren't supposed to admit you're doing it. Oh well, maybe you're a good cook, or Scrabble player or something.

Meanwhile; Trump discovers that health care is a complicated subject, because apparently he spent the Obama years watching reruns of 'The Apprentice'.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1614 on: February 28, 2017, 01:42:43 AM
Yemen SEAL Raid Has Yielded No Significant Intelligence: Officials

Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Instead, Pentagon officials called it a "site exploitation mission" designed to gather intelligence.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 06:50:49 AM by Athos_131 »

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Offline Lois

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Reply #1615 on: February 28, 2017, 06:08:28 AM
Here's one for Joan:

Paul Krugman blasts Trump’s economic arrogance
In Trumpworld, Krugman writes, "numbers are what you want them to be, and anything else is fake news"

Donald Trump believes in fairy tales. We’re already familiar with his favorites, like the Bowling Green Massacre and winning the popular vote, but as Paul Krugman points out in his Monday column, our next waking nightmare may be Trumponomics: Reagan era fantasies, back from the dead to convince America that growth through low taxes and cuts to government spending will benefit anyone other than millionaires.

The Trump administration believes the American economy will see 3-3.5 percent growth over a decade. The Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve have other, lower ideas, but why would a president, or Paul Ryan for that matter, listen to respected, bipartisan institutions when there is Social Security to slash? Didn’t we have 3.4 percent growth during the Reagan years?

Not so fast, Krugman writes. The number may be true, but, consider the context: “baby boomers were still entering the work force. Now they’re on their way out, and the rise in the working-age population has slowed to a crawl. This demographic shift alone should, other things being equal, subtract around a percentage point from U.S. growth.” Plus, as Krugman continues, growth was even higher during the Clinton years, at 3.7 percent. Why was this the case? Turns out inheriting weak economies was a factor:

Reagan and Clinton inherited depressed economies, with unemployment well over 7 percent. This meant that there was a lot of economic slack, allowing rapid growth as the unemployed went back to work. Today, by contrast, unemployment is under 5 percent, and other indicators suggest an economy close to full employment. This leaves much less scope for rapid growth.

Plus, Clinton actually raised taxes on the rich, and America had unprecedented growth and prosperity. So did Obama. What the right fails to mention, as they questioned his citizenship and blocked his Supreme Court picks, is that Obama presided over “much more rapid private-sector job growth than George W. Bush, even if you leave out the 2008 collapse. Furthermore, Krugman continues, “two Obama policies that the right totally hated – the 2013 hike in tax rates on the rich, and the 2014 implementation of the Affordable Care Act – produced no slowdown at all in job creation.”

The only way we’d see the growth Trump is looking for, would be “a huge takeoff in productivity — output per worker-hour. This could, of course, happen: maybe driverless flying cars will arrive en masse. But it’s hardly something one should assume for a baseline projection.”

Even if Trump were to continue his trademark economic strategy of bullying companies into keeping a small fraction of their jobs in the US, as with the Carrier plant, it would be a mere drop in the bucket. There’s no guarantee they’d make air conditioners any faster.

This magical economic thinking may have found its worst host in our current president, but Krugman rightly reminds us that this has been a cornerstone of Republican thought for decades. He explains, “belief that tax cuts and deregulation will reliably produce awesome growth isn’t unique to the Trump-Putin administration. We heard the same thing from Jeb Bush (who?); we hear it from congressional Republicans like Paul Ryan. The question is why. After all, there is nothing — nothing at all — in the historical record to justify this arrogance.”

The evidence, Krugman rightly hammers home, “is totally at odds with claims that tax-cutting and deregulation are economic wonder drugs.” It is however, great for billionaires, and it’s time for the rest of America to stop: “on such matters Donald Trump is really no worse than the rest of his party. Unfortunately, he’s also no better.”

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Reply #1617 on: March 01, 2017, 02:48:34 AM

Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor



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