When will Democrats realize/admit that the present administration and their actions for the past eight years had as much to do with losing the election as their candidate did?
They'll admit it if and when it ever describes the truth.
You have to be trapped in some sort of perception bubble to ignore the fact that Obama has been and remains a very popular president, whose policies are much more in line with the public's (as measured by majority support) than any candidate run by the right. And he would certainly win a third term were he allowed to run for one.
Methinks you are mistaking your opinions for reality.
Perfectly put.
In fact, I think HRC would have won the election if she had positioned herself as being MORE like Obama.
Obama currently has a very high approval rating, and -- more to the point -- he won both his elections very comfortably. The people (like SensualTraveler) who view Obama's presidency as an unending series of "scandals," and who view Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State as another unending series of "scandals," would never have voted for the Democratic candidate in the first place, no matter who the candidate was.
In other words, "the present administration and their actions for the past eight years" had little to nothing to do with Clinton's loss, or Trump's victory.
Sorry,but while I believe you're on the right track Barb, it wasn't merely the scandals the Obama administration were involved in, although there were certainly enough of them, we also couldn't put up with their and Hillarious lies any longer.
The handling of The Dept. of Justice by Eric Holder, the most infamous 'the fast and furious' scandal that lead to the shooting death of a border guard, their appointment of a perpetual purveyor of false information, Hillarious, as Secretary of State as a political favor, the lies about the Benghazi attack,knowing from the onset their initial claims were lies, etc,etc..
“Hillary Clinton’s vast résumé of, shall we say, inconsistencies, is the dog that caught the car and won’t let go. A viral video collection of her comments on various subjects through the years is bestirring Republican hearts,” Ms. Parker wrote. “To those who’d rather vote for a reality show host than a Clinton, the video merely confirms what they’ve believed all along. For independents and even Democrats, it’s a reminder of how often Clinton has morphed into a fresh incarnation as required by the political moment.”
The video, posted by a YouTube account for Michael Armstrong, covers Mrs. Clinton’s various stances on same-sex marriage, the North American Free Trade Agreement, her infamous “secret server” as secretary of state, health care reform and the time she allegedly risked “sniper fire” in Bosnia.
The video had nearly 7 million views as of Wednesday afternoon. The creator also promised a future video for Republican hopeful Donald Trump.
“Two things are most striking about this video. The first is just how long Hillary has been stringing America along with whatever story suits her at the moment,” the conservative website Hotair responded after viewing the video. “It’s not as if there was one lie or one bad moment in a long career. She has done this from the moment she became a national figure and she’s still doing it right now. The second striking thing is the brazenness with which she tells stories that are not remotely accurate, such as the Bosnia airport trip.”
Washington Post
Her defeat in the elections mainly rests on her shoulders, with a fair share of eight years of administration fuel lighting her way.