So getting back to the selection of our next president, the only one I have any respect for is Sanders, but I don't see him as holding or drawing the cards that will win a game that has been rigged by the party machine. He does at least have a possibility of making them look like the rats they are to a wide swath of the population, and maybe that is enough to change the game somewhat in the future.
I'm still thinking of voting for Trump, even though I've never liked the guy, because I'd like to see the Republican party go the way of the dodo. He is a fucking imbecile, but still a hell of a lot smarter than dubya. I do give him credit for calling the big boys on their trashing of our industrial economy, and I'm sure that's a big part of his appeal, especially among the unemployed. The enemy of our enemy deserves our support, even if he is a jerk. Plus I'd love to see Cruz humiliated by whatever means, chase him back under whatever rock he crawled out from.
So this is what it all boils down to: choose the lesser evil.