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The Trump thread: All things Donald

joan1984 · 277270

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Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #240 on: February 29, 2016, 03:41:08 PM

Hey Scott....

Do you think that if Trump wins the office that Congress will be able to control him..??


The good news -- and a very basic point that most Trump detractors fail to grasp -- is that Congress WILL be able to control him, should he be elected.

Start with the basic system of checks and balances between our three government branches (remember that from 7th grade Civics classes?). The vast majority of things Trump has proposed -- or that his detractors predict he will do -- require the approval of Congress, which he will have a very difficult time in acquiring.

There's lots of "It Could Happen Here!" warnings streaming from the Left. It Won't Happen Here. It never has in the 225-year history of our government, and Trump certainly isn't the type of leader to run roughshod over Congress.

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Offline RopeFiend

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Reply #241 on: February 29, 2016, 03:43:17 PM
Regarding his endorsement by the KKK,

"You wouldn't  want me to denounce a group that I know nothing about... "


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Offline Lois

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Reply #242 on: February 29, 2016, 03:45:07 PM
But will Congress control him?  There are a lot of Tea Party types in Congress that might go along with his crazy proposals.

As for the David Duke endorsement:

Trump wrote in the New York Times in the year 2000, “Although I am totally comfortable with the people in the New York Independence Party, I leave the Reform Party to David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep.”

So is he lying, or does he just have a really bad memory?

« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 03:55:38 PM by Lois »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #243 on: February 29, 2016, 06:42:10 PM

But will Congress control him?  There are a lot of Tea Party types in Congress that might go along with his crazy proposals.

As for the David Duke endorsement:

Trump wrote in the New York Times in the year 2000, “Although I am totally comfortable with the people in the New York Independence Party, I leave the Reform Party to David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep.”

So is he lying, or does he just have a really bad memory?

It depends on what you mean by "control him," and what you mean by "crazy."

If he proposes/pushes "crazy" a piece of legislation that Congress, that, with a sufficient number of affirming votes, passes into law, well, that's how our system works, and has always worked.

But the good news is that Tea Party adherents and wacky Righties represent a relatively small minority in Congress, and, the mainstream Republicans loathe Trump, so I don't think he'd ever garner enough votes to gain passage of a truly crazy piece of legislation.

As for the KKKontroversy, I think Trump's being done deaf. He stands to lose little or nothing by repeating his assertion of 15 years ago. Nowadays, The KKK has about zero influence in South, or anywhere else for that matter. Their support would likely gain him about 12 votes he wouldn't have previously earned, while disavowing them will likely gain him thousands of votes, especially among the undecideds.

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Reply #244 on: February 29, 2016, 11:21:38 PM
I've seen this in a few places online recently.  Seemed appropriate:

I feel the need to drop a little truth on y'all. So buckle up...I'm about to be politically incorrect.

We don't need to take America back. No one stole it. It's right're sitting in it. Chillax.

Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall and we're not going to deport millions of people and break up families. If you think either one is a good idea, you're not smart and probably not a person I want to hang out with.

We don't live in a democracy. Technically we are a Federal Republic. But in reality we are ruled by an oligarchy. If you don't know what that is, look it up. Reading will do you good. You probably need to do more of it.

FoxNews, CNN, and MSNBC have an agenda and are not "fair and balanced" or in any way unbiased. I'll more. Read newspapers (even online ones). Read lots of opinions and sources and then (stay with me here), THINK! Form your own opinion based on as many facts as your can brain can tolerate.

Speaking of facts...there actually is a difference between facts, opinions, and propaganda. You should learn the difference. (Another opportunity to show off your mad reading skills.)

Science is real. We know things because of science. Don't be afraid of it. You have an iPhone and Facebook because of science. It's your friend.

Global warming or "climate change" as the cool kids call it IS REAL. Anyone who tells you it's not real is not a smart person and probably should not be dressing themselves or caring for children.

Racism exists. And you are probably a little racist and should work on that. Seriously.

American Christians are not under attack. We are not being persecuted. We wield so much power in this country that politicians pretend to be Christian just so we will vote for them. No one is trying to take your bible away from you. The gay people are not destroying our families—we don't need any help from them, thank you. We do a fine job of that by ourselves. So stop saying we are persecuted. You sound stupid.

Poor people need help. If you're not helping them but complaining about how the government helps them with your money you are not a nice person.

Be nice to the people who teach your children. Don't send them nasty emails or yell at them. Their job is 10,000 times harder than your stupid job. You are not a professional educator so just shut your mouth and be thankful someone is willing to teach your offspring.

You don't know what Common Core is. You think you do, but you don't unless you're a teacher. So stop complaining about math problem memes on Facebook. You can't do the math anyway.

ISIS is not an existential threat to the United States. We do not need to rebuild our military. Our military is the strongest, scariest, most badass killing machine the world has ever seen. So stop being afraid and stop letting politicians and pundits scare you.

Guns do in fact kill people. That's what they are designed to do. If you feel you need a gun to protect yourself in America, you are probably living in the wrong neighborhood and should move before you go out and buy a gun. There are like a billion places to live where you won't need a gun, or even need to lock your front door.

If you do own a gun, then make sure you know how to use it really, really, really well. Seriously...get some training because you still don't know how to record stuff with your DVR. Go to the gun range and shoot the thing a lot. Learn how to clean it properly and be able to disassemble it and reassemble it with your eyes closed. It's a freaking gun and it deserves that level of care, proficiency and respect. And for God's sake, keep it locked up and away from your kids.

If you are even a little bit crazy, sad, or pissed shouldn't have a gun. And the Founding Fathers would totally agree with me.

Stop being suspicious of American Muslims. I guarantee the guy sitting next to you in the cubicle at work is probably more of a threat to you than any Muslim. He has to listen to your uninformed ranting day after day and has probably already imagined very colorful and creative ways to end you.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and all the rest are ENTERTAINERS! Stop getting your opinions from them. (Here's where that reading thing can really be an advantage.)

Stop sharing Facebook memes that tell me to share or else Jesus won't bless me with a laundry basket full of cash. That's not how prayer works. And I don't want money delivered (even from God) in a laundry basket. Nobody ever washes those things out and they just keep putting nasty dirty clothes in them. Yuck!

We are the United States of America and we can afford to house every homeless veteran, feed every child, and take in every refugee and still have money left over for Starbucks and a bucket of KFC.

Unless you can trace your family line back to someone who made deerskin pants look stylish and could field dress a buffalo, you are a descendent of an immigrant. Please stop saying that immigrants are ruining our country. Such comments are like a giant verbal burrito stuffed with historical ignorance, latent racism, and xenophobia all wrapped in a fascist tortilla.

That's all for now. I feel better.

LaMonte M. Fowler

Offline joan1984

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Reply #245 on: February 29, 2016, 11:29:32 PM
link please... do you know this person, where they are from, who the person may represent, or even if this person is real, and not a creation of James Carville?

I've seen this in a few places online recently.  Seemed appropriate:

I feel the need to drop a little truth on y'all. So buckle up...I'm about to be politically incorrect.

We don't need to take America back. No one stole it. It's right're sitting in it. Chillax.
That's all for now. I feel better.

LaMonte M. Fowler

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Reply #246 on: March 01, 2016, 12:10:20 AM
Actually Joan, it makes no difference who said that, it's all very much common sense. Stop with your fear. If you're that fearful maybe you want to go find a hole and put it in after you.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Gina Marie

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Reply #247 on: March 01, 2016, 12:13:48 AM
link please... do you know this person, where they are from, who the person may represent, or even if this person is real, and not a creation of James Carville?

Offline Gina Marie

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Reply #248 on: March 01, 2016, 12:16:03 AM
Actually Joan, it makes no difference who said that, it's all very much common sense. Stop with your fear. If you're that fearful maybe you want to go find a hole and put it in after you.

But... but... but... this is contrary to everything Breathate and Faux tells me to accept and fear!

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Reply #249 on: March 01, 2016, 01:27:50 AM
Latest news is many Republican senators and congressmen are now saying if Trump is the GOP candidate they will not vote for him. Guess the GOP is self destructing.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #250 on: March 01, 2016, 02:24:10 AM
I think the Libertarian and American Independent Parties may be the biggest winners if Trump becomes the Republican candidate, at least until they realize there are plenty of odd-balls there, too.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 03:31:51 AM by Lois »

Offline MintJulie

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Reply #251 on: March 01, 2016, 03:29:06 AM
He's a thin skinned asswipe.  Pardon my language.   
He's inconsistent on abortion. 
He's lying with denial of knowing who KKK boss Duke is.
He's had 4 companies go bankrupt, but he's going to run America like a business?
No thanks.

I stand by my belief that Trump will not be the GOP candidate and he not step out.  Voters will split in Nov and the Dems will take it.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 01:32:33 PM by MintJulie »

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Offline Lois

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Reply #252 on: March 02, 2016, 01:36:39 AM

Offline RopeFiend

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Reply #253 on: March 02, 2016, 02:02:26 AM

Rubio implies that Trump has a teenie weenie...  :emot_laughing:

Is this a political race or a fucking clown circus?

It started with Trump calling Rubio "Little Marco" and then making fun of Rubio's ears.

I'd heard that Trump responded to the 'small hands' comment by saying that Rubio put his make-up on with a trowel.  I haven't been able to verify that.
edit: here 'tis -
Trump should talk!!  HE'S the one that looks like he was a victim of a Cheetos factory explosion.  Hey, that's a good tan-in-a-can look you got goin' there, Donald!

« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 02:31:58 AM by RopeFiend »

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Offline tc

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Reply #254 on: March 02, 2016, 08:00:15 AM

John Oliver Masterfully Deconstructs the Trump Mythology, Revealing Deception and Lies

edit:...sorry just got back from holiday in Puerto Rico and didn't realize this was a repost.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 08:03:59 AM by tc »

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Reply #255 on: March 02, 2016, 02:55:11 PM
Latest poll by ABC News showed if Trump went up against Hillary Clinton for president, she would win by a huge margin.  But if she faced off with Rubio, the race would be even.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #256 on: March 02, 2016, 04:01:42 PM

John Oliver Masterfully Deconstructs the Trump Mythology, Revealing Deception and Lies

edit:...sorry just got back from holiday in Puerto Rico and didn't realize this was a repost.

Welcome back.  I hope you had a wonderful time.  And not to worry, it is certainly worth the re-post.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #257 on: March 02, 2016, 05:19:12 PM
Sounds like a poll influenced by the GOP establishment, Rove, etc.

Latest poll by ABC News showed if Trump went up against Hillary Clinton for president, she would win by a huge margin.  But if she faced off with Rubio, the race would be even.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #258 on: March 02, 2016, 06:50:43 PM
Which also led them to believe that Romney would win over Obama, right Joan?

Offline MintJulie

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Reply #259 on: March 02, 2016, 07:08:25 PM
Is this a political race or a fucking clown circus?

The latter.   Thank you for this. :)   I will be borrowing this line a few times in the near future.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
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