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The Trump thread: All things Donald

joan1984 · 277468

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #780 on: August 12, 2016, 11:02:54 PM
Liz Cheney: We Must
Unify Behind Trump

August 12, 2016


RUSH: We're going to spend a little time here with Liz Cheney.  She appears here now and then to discuss foreign policy, things happening. It's one of her many areas of expertise, and Republican Party right now is in the midst of some upheaval and a lot of people have a lot of questions about it.  In fact, Liz, somebody was asking me yesterday, "If Trump loses, what is going to become of the Republican Party?"  You come from a family that could be said to be founders of the modern Republican Party.  What do you think about what all's going on these days with the party?

CHENEY:  Rush --

RUSH:  Just take it and run with it.

CHENEY: Thank you very much, Rush.  I think that we're always gonna be in a position as Republicans and as conservatives where we gotta be willing to stand up for our conservative values.  And certainly, you know, at the top of that list is a strong national defense, the importance of a United States military that is superior to all others in the world. The extent to which, you know, this president has absolutely abandoned our allies.

We've got this huge threat growing out there in terms of radical Islamic terrorism and a military that he's absolutely gutted.  So our capabilities are decreasing almost as fast as our enemies are increasing.  So it's a very dangerous situation, and, you know, as Americans we've gotta make sure that we begin to rebuild and get our military the resources they need to defend us.

RUSH:  While I have you, let me ask you... I wasn't gonna ask you this, but since foreign policy has come up here, what do you think of the implied statement Donald Trump was making that the existence of ISIS actually can be laid to an extent at the feet of the Obama administration?  Do you think...? Forget whether Obama was "the founder," but rather his role in the... Maybe not the creation of ISIS, but it's growth.  Do you think he has a point or people who think that have a point?

CHENEY:  Absolutely.  There's absolutely no question but that this president's policies, his decision to walk away from the Middle East, his decision to walk away before -- you know, our military commanders felt they could.  You can go back and read the history of what happened, and, in particular, his decision not to enforce the red line in Syria once he had declared it, and how that emboldened ISIS and how that emboldened, you know, the rebel groups that were fighting against the United States.

You know, there's just no question.  When he walked away, he created a situation where not only was ISIS able to begin to form the caliphate in Syria, but then they went back into Iraq. And there is just nothing more heartbreaking and shameful, in my view, than the fact that we have towns across Iraq that were won for the Iraqi people with the blood of Americans, with Americans lives.

And President Obama walked away, and now many of those towns are under ISIS control. So, you know, it is absolutely the case that he is responsible for the development of ISIS.  Secretary Clinton was standing by his side as that happened.  And they both are absolutely to blame for the situation that we find across the Middle East today.

RUSH:  ISIS is everywhere.  ISIS is in Syria.  Some people think that what we were doing in Benghazi was actually running guns to Syrian rebels which are ISIS.  Here, I just found something I wanted to run by you.  This is a story the Washington Free Beacon.  This is just astounding to me: "Obama Administration Gives Green Light for Iran to Build Two New Nuclear Plants."

CHENEY: (groans) Ugh, yes.

RUSH:  So we've just paid a $400 million ransom. We've unfrozen all of their $150 billion assets that we had because of sanctions.  What is it with President Obama and Iran?  None of this make sense to average people.

CHENEY:  Well, I mean he clearly... The best way to say it is that he believes Iran can be an ally.  I think, you know, in fact what he's done to help, support, and assist Iran... You know, not only do we have the ransom payment, not only do we have this new information about nuclear facility, but we learned the last couple of weeks that there was a secret deal connected to the Iranian nuclear agreement where Barack Obama agreed Iran -- one of America's worst enemies, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism -- should have access to the most advanced enrichment technology, the most advanced centrifuge technology.  So it isn't just that this agreement failed to prevent them from having a nuclear weapon, it aids them in that purpose.

RUSH:  Now --

CHENEY:  For an American president to be aiding America's enemy in developing nuclear weapons technology is unprecedented, absolutely.

RUSH:  Now, you're running for the lone seat in the House in Wyoming, right?

CHENEY:  That's right. Exactly, yeah.  We've got one voice out of 435 in the House of Representatives.

RUSH:  What is the Wyoming population, 500,000 or 600,000 people?

CHENEY:  Exactly, around 500,000.

RUSH:  And they've got one representative.  You're running to be it.

CHENEY:  I am.

RUSH:  Then what are the issues that matter in Wyoming?  Is Trump an issue?  Is where the party's going an issue?  Is what we just talked about, foreign policy, ISIS, America at risk, direction the country?  What are the issues in Wyoming?

CHENEY:  Well, certainly the ones we've been talking about are tremendously important issues.  Overall, you know, no state in our country has been hurt more by the eight years of Barack Obama than Wyoming has been, and whether it's the absolutely unconstitutional role that the EPA is playing and the president trying to kill our coal industry.  Wyoming is the nation's largest coal-producing state.  So when President Obama and Hillary Clinton say they're gonna put coal out of business, it hits us harder than just about anyplace else.

The massive trampling of our constitutional rights -- our First Amendment rights, our Second Amendment rights -- are very important. And just the massive overreach of the federal government and the need to make sure that we have a representative who can hit the ground running on day one and begin to roll back the tremendous damage they've done and restore our constitutional rights.  I mean, it's really a race about freedom and our rights and our security.

originalRUSH:  We're talking with Liz Cheney, who is on the phone with us today from Wyoming.  There are interesting little... It's a Bloomberg poll today that the Washington Post has referenced, and it's got them very, very worried.  In the poll, Trump is losing by the usual eight or nine points just like I think in the new NBC poll that just came out. I think Hillary's up by nine in that poll, but they found a question here that really worries them at the Post.  They presented two versions of America.

One, a country at risk in a dangerous world that's in decline and no seeming leadership to get us out.  The other, a vision of America that's robust, an economic recovery that's hunky-dory. In the Hillary Clinton version, everything's great. Obama's again great; we're only gonna get better.  Fifty-six percent of the people in this poll sided with the version of America that we're not going in the right direction, we're in a state of decline, and something needs to happen.

And the writer of the story said that if Trump wins this, this poll question could be what it all the ends up being about.  Well, now, you're running for office.  You've gotta get votes for people.  You hear in the Drive-By Media that Trump's got people like you down ballot all worried that his drag on the ticket and is gonna take people like you down with him.  Is that a factor as a run?

CHENEY:  Rush, in Wyoming there's no question for us that Hillary Clinton would be devastating -- and far, far worse than Donald Trump. We've gotta unify behind him and make sure Hillary Clinton's not elected.  I mean, she is a felon.  She absolutely -- I mean, as you've covered better than anybody else -- clearly violated the law with respect to her personal server and her lack of willingness to take care of the national security information of the nation.

What's been going on with the Clinton Foundation is absolutely crooked and corrupt.  You know, she is a woman who has a long history of not abiding by the law and of getting away with it.  There is just a level of slime and sleaze associated with the Clinton family, and we know in Wyoming we've gotta do everything possible to make sure they never get anywhere near the Oval Office.

RUSH:  I didn't know, and I should have, I didn't know that Wyoming was the leading coal producing state.  I knew that it was big.

CHENEY:  Yeah.  No, we are.

RUSH:  Well, with Hillary and Obama targeting coal, I'm sure that resonates there, as you pointed out.  But here's the thing about Hillary.  Liz, my whole life -- well, the last 25, 30 years of this program, I've encountered people on our side in the Republican Party literally paranoid, scared to death of Hillary Clinton, that she's some Cruella De Vil that is unbeatable.

And I look, she's had prominent positions in politics the last 30 years. The first lady, was given a chance to run health care. Secretary of state. She ran a bunch of things in the Clinton administration.  And here she is running for president.  She has a 30-year record, you listen to what she says she wants to do and this utopia she wants to create.  Why don't people see she's been at it 30 years and hasn't accomplished anything.  She's still complaining about the same things that she came into politics complaining about.

Now, you and I know these are tactics of hers.  But the real assessment, she hasn't accomplished anything, everybody thinks she has. First woman to do this, do that, but everything she believes in, like the economy, why do they need to fix anything?  They've had eight years here to create the utopia.  Why is everything worse after 30 years of Hillary or eight years of Obama?

CHENEY:  Exactly.  No, I mean, it's even worse than that.  I mean, obviously, she advocates failed policies, and obviously she's in a situation where, you know, she will continue the devastating policies we've seen from President Obama. But she's just, you know, she would be the most corrupt individual ever to sit in the Oval Office, if she's elected.  And she clearly believes she's above the law.  Obviously we know she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will undo and trample over so many of our constitutional rights.

And, frankly, I don't know, Rush, why people have been afraid to take her on. But I watched her a couple of days ago, you know, castigating Trump saying "words matter."  And I thought, you know what, Hillary Clinton, that's right.  Words do matter.  When you stand over the coffin of dead Americans and tell their parents that it was because of a video, those words matter.  You know, when are having conversations in your email, an unclassified email, putting the name of an Iranian nuclear scientist in those unclassified emails and then he's executed, you're right, Hillary Clinton, words matter.

The American people understand it, and they also know that actions matter.  And I can't believe that, you know, we're gonna elect somebody to the highest office in the land who has proven herself not only corrupt and not only a criminal, but completely unfit to be our commander-in-chief.

RUSH:  Now, I'm gonna ask you a question, and I know what you're gonna say, because you're running for office.  But I want to ask you anyway because so many people that I run into that I would consider to be people on my side of things, have a fear that an increasing number of the American people are woefully uninformed, with legitimate reasons, the media being the primary reason -- that the American people -- you just gave an indictment of Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.  And it's been out there for quite a while, what happened and what the allegations are.

It doesn't seem to have -- I mean, her negatives are pretty high, so you could say maybe it's impacted her, but do you have a concern about the state or the level of the American public and the degree to which they're informed and care about things that you think are important?

CHENEY:  Well, I know, you know, obviously here in Wyoming people are very engaged, they are very concerned because the policies of the Democrats have just hit home and hurt us so much.  The people are engaged.  But what I worry about, Rush, you know, in large part, is our kids.  I mean, if you look at the complete failure in too many instances to teach our kids the truth about our history and about why our nation is exceptional, and Common Core is certainly the latest iteration of very bad education policy, and that's gotta be repealed.

We have to get the federal government out of the business of educating our kids and telling us how to do it.  But when you look at how we are failing our kids and how the story that they hear about the United States and about the role we've played in the world and our role as the defender of freedom for millions across the world throughout history, you know, they aren't being prepared to stand up and work and fight and defend this nation.  And when they aren't told that it's exceptional, then it becomes much more difficult, or actually becomes much easier for people like Barack Obama to be elected who spread this message of, well, you know, no nation should be held above any other and, you know, we all ought to go down the path of European social democracy.

RUSH:  Exactly.

CHENEY:  That's the real danger.

RUSH:  When is your primary? It's probably next week I think?

CHENEY:  It is.  The primary is on Tuesday, August 16th, and we're working very hard down to the end.  The stakes, as you know better than anybody, Rush, could not be higher.

RUSH:  Well, they are.  But you've got guts for doing this.  I know your family history is elective politics and so forth, but man is it vicious, it's dog-eat-dog. They come after you. You need spines of steel to do it, and I think people have a great appreciation for you, your father, your whole family for the sacrifices and the devotion that you've had.  So we wish you the best in becoming the one member of Congress from Wyoming.  That's cool.

CHENEY:  Well, thank you, Rush, and again, you know, thank you for everything you do.  I mean, you fight the good fight better than anybody else, so it's greatly appreciated and hugely necessary.

RUSH:  Tell your dad we said hi, too.

CHENEY:  I sure will.  I appreciate it.

RUSH:  Liz Cheney from Wyoming.


I agree with what She says! -- joan

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #781 on: August 12, 2016, 11:52:56 PM
Can you blondify that down so I don't have to read it?

Offline Lois

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Reply #782 on: August 13, 2016, 12:33:29 AM
Liz Cheney is the daughter of Dick Cheney.  He's the guy who shot his friend while hunting.

Anyhow, Liz says Republicans should rally around Trump.

But many Republicans have good sense and are saying NO FUCKING WAY!

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Reply #783 on: August 13, 2016, 12:46:59 AM
Somewhere, Somehow, Common Sense went and left our country and is enjoying a vacation in sunny Bermuda........Not for nothing but November 8th will be a day of reckoning for this country.


Offline Lois

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Reply #784 on: August 13, 2016, 09:07:11 AM
 :emot_weird: :emot_weird: :emot_weird: :emot_weird:
Liz Cheney denounced her own sister?  Did she call her an abomination?

The only Republican I'm tempted to vote for is Jeff Flake.  He is one of Arizona's Senators that has the decency to stand against Trump.

As for our the removal of our armed forces from Iraq, this was part of an agreement between the US and Iraq signed by President Bush:
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 09:12:41 AM by Lois »


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Reply #785 on: August 13, 2016, 12:19:25 PM
Hillary's tax returns can be found here:

All the way back to 1977, I see.

On the other hand...

Mr Trump, who has released a self-reported financial disclosure form, said he will not make his tax returns public until the Internal Revenue Service completes audits of them.

The IRS has said Mr Trump is free to release his returns. Mr Trump would be the first presidential candidate in decades not to release his returns.


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Reply #786 on: August 13, 2016, 02:30:49 PM
Sum it up: they both have more money shoved up their asses than any of us will ever have.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #788 on: August 13, 2016, 05:16:49 PM
"... The only Republican I'm tempted to vote for is Jeff Flake.  He is one of Arizona's Senators that has the decency to stand against Trump... "

Did you vote against Jeff Flake in previous elections, or just not vote at all?

Flake is a liberal, one that can be counted upon to be against anything his constituents say is important to them, a true RINO, until his next election, when he tends to say what is necessary to be reelected anew.

Go for it, Lois, vote for Flake! Fitting vote for you...

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline herschel

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Reply #789 on: August 13, 2016, 05:21:01 PM
Here's a new line of thought, sorta thinking outside the envelope:

Could the “Deep State” Be Sabotaging Hillary Clinton?
By Charles Hugh Smith
Global Research, August 13, 2016

Few would dispute that Hillary Clinton is the Establishment’s candidate. It’s widely accepted that the Establishment hews to a neoconservative (neo-con) foreign policy that is fully supported by America’s Deep State, i.e. the centers of state power that don’t change as a result of elections.

As a result, it’s widely accepted that “the Deep State” fully supports Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency and will move heaven and earth to get her elected. While this is a logical premise, I suspect it’s overly simplistic. I suspect major power centers in the Deep State are actively sabotaging Hillary because they’ve concluded she is a poisoned chalice who would severely damage the interests of the Deep State and the U.S.A.

Poisoned chalice: something that seems very good when it is first received, but in fact does great harm to the person/ institution/ nation that receives it.

I realize this may strike many as ludicrous, but bear with me as we work through the notion that the Deep State would prefer Trump to Hillary.

The consensus view seems to be that the Establishment and the Deep State see Trump as a loose cannon who might upset the neo-con apple cart by refusing to toe the Establishment’s Imperial line.

This view overlooks the possibility that significant segments of the Deep State view the neo-con strategy as an irredeemable failure and would welcome a president who would overthrow the remnants of the failed strategy within the Establishment and Deep State.

To these elements of the Deep State, Hillary is a threat precisely because she embraces the failed strategy and those who cling to it. From this point of view, Hillary as president would be an unmitigated disaster for the elements of the Deep State that have concluded the U.S. must move beyond the neo-con strategic failures to secure the nation’s core interests.

There are other reasons why elements of the Deep State view Hillary as a poisoned chalice.

1. Hillary is an empty vessel. Nobody seriously claims she has any core beliefs that she would make personal sacrifices to support. While at first glance this may seem to be a plus, the Deep State is not devoid of values. Rather, the typical member of the Deep State has strong values and distrusts/ loathes people like Hillary who value nothing other than personal aggrandizement.

Hillary’s sole supreme commitment is the further aggrandizement of wealth and power to her family. This makes her intrinsically untrustworthy to the Deep State, which has bigger fish to fry than the Clinton Project of aggrandizing wealth and personal power.

2. Hillary has exhibited the typical flaw of liberal Democrats: fearful of being accused as being soft on Russia, Syria, Iran, terrorism, etc. or losing whatever war is currently being prosecuted, liberal Democrats over-compensate by pursuing overly aggressive and poorly planned policies.

The forward-thinking elements of the Deep State are not averse to aggressive pursuit of what they perceive as American interests, but they are averse to quagmires and policies that preclude successful maintenance of the Imperial Project.

3. The Deep State requires relatively little of elected officials, even the President. A rubber stamp of existing policies is the primary requirement (see the Obama presidency for an example).

But the Deep State prefers a leader that can successfully sell the Deep State’s agenda to the American public. (President Obama has done a very credible job of supporting the Imperial Project agenda. I think it’s clear the Deep State supported President Obama’s re-election.) A politician who’s primary characteristic is untrustworthiness is poorly equipped to sell anything, especially something as complex and increasingly unpopular as the Imperial Project.

4. Hillary suffers from the delusion that she understands power politics and the Imperial Project. The most dangerous President to the Deep State is one who believes he/she is qualified to set the Imperial agenda and change the course of the Deep State as their personal entitlement.

For these reasons, elements of the Deep State might sabotage Hillary’s campaign as the greater threat to American interests. Trump is as unpopular as Hillary, but his sense of self-aggrandizement and narcissism is of a different order than Hillary’s. Elements of the Deep State may view Trump as more malleable (or more charitably, as more open to much-needed changes in U.S. policies) and a better salesperson than Hillary.

Although it’s difficult to identify specific evidence for this, the Deep State is not as monolithic as the alternative media assumes. An increasingly powerful sector of the Deep State views the neo-con agenda as a disaster for American interests, and is far more focused on the Long Game of energy, food security, economic and military innovation and a productive response to climate change.

Trump is less wedded to the neo-con agenda than Hillary, less concerned with looking weak and more willing to cut new deals to clear the path for U.S. soft power (diplomacy, cultural influence, energy, food security, economic innovation and successful responses to climate change) rather than the neo-con obsession with hard power and the old-style Great Game of geopolitics.

So how could the forward-looking elements of the Deep State sabotage Hillary? I can think of several ways:

1. Engineer a protracted stock market decline that hits American voters in their pocketbooks before the election by gutting the “wealth effect.” A plunging stock market would make a mockery of the claim that the economy is “recovering.”

2. Continue to leak dirty laundry on Hillary, her health, the Clinton foundation scams, etc.

3. Put the word out to the corporatocracy, top-level media, etc., that the Deep State would prefer a Trump presidency, despite the widely held assumption that Clinton is the shoo-in Establishment candidate, and that those who cling to Hillary will pay a price later on as the neo-cons are cashiered or sent to Siberia for their failures.

Maybe Hillary is the Deep State’s shoo-in for president. But I suspect doubts in the Deep State have advanced to active sabotage for the reasons noted above.

The original source of this article is Of Two Minds
Copyright © Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 2016

Offline Lois

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Reply #790 on: August 14, 2016, 10:51:31 AM
"... The only Republican I'm tempted to vote for is Jeff Flake.  He is one of Arizona's Senators that has the decency to stand against Trump... "

Did you vote against Jeff Flake in previous elections, or just not vote at all?

Flake is a liberal, one that can be counted upon to be against anything his constituents say is important to them, a true RINO, until his next election, when he tends to say what is necessary to be reelected anew.

Go for it, Lois, vote for Flake! Fitting vote for you...

LOL!  Flake is a very conservative Mormon.  He is far more conservative than you are.

So what are you? Not conservative, that's for sure.  More like an radical right-winger.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #791 on: August 14, 2016, 02:42:56 PM
  So, how many times have you voted AGAINST Jeff Flake?

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #792 on: August 14, 2016, 09:35:51 PM
Just once.  But I will reconsider for the next election.  He has proven himself to me.

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Reply #793 on: August 14, 2016, 10:33:04 PM
I am certain you make him proud.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #794 on: August 14, 2016, 10:39:05 PM
I doubt he knows. 

I suspect after this election the Republican party will split in two.  One half will be the traditional conservative Republicans, and the other half will be the true RINOs, aka the wing-nut Tea Party types who have hijacked the GOP.

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Reply #795 on: August 14, 2016, 10:43:47 PM
Hey Joan, your man Trump is proving himself to be quite an embarrassment.  Isn't it hard to keep making excuses and explanations for his behavior?

Below is satire, but not far from the mark.

Borowitz Report
Trump Blasts Media for Reporting Things He Says
By Andy Borowitz , 08:16 A.M.

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The Republican nominee Donald Trump tore into the media on Thursday for what he called their “extremely unfair practice” of reporting the things he says.

“I’ll say something at a rally and I look out and see all these TV cameras taking every word down,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “No one in politics has ever been subjected to this kind of treatment.”

“It’s unbelievable and, frankly, very unethical,” he added.

At a rally in Florida, the candidate lashed out at a TV cameraman whom he caught in the act of recording his words for broadcasting purposes.

“Look at him over there, picking up everything I’m saying, folks,” Trump shouted. “Get him out of here.”

In his interview with Fox, Trump hinted that he might drop out of this fall’s televised Presidential debates if the media continues its practice of reporting the things he says.

“I’ve always said that I would be willing to debate if I’m treated fairly,” Trump told Hannity. “But if the media keeps recording everything I say, word for word, and then playing it back so that everyone in the country hears exactly what I said, I would consider that very, very unfair.”

Offline Lois

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Reply #796 on: August 16, 2016, 04:44:32 PM
I've been hearing that Trump supporters believe he is qualified because he is a successful businessman.  And yet he has failed in nearly all of his business endeavors.  All he has right now are his golf clubs and the Trump Tower.

In fact, he has not grown the family fortune left to him, and possibly lost a great deal of it.  He would have done better investing it in mutual funds instead of using it to finance his business mis-adventures. 

So what is he good at?  Self promotion. He sells himself as a successful businessman, although his track record is so bad that US banks will no longer lend him money.


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Reply #797 on: August 16, 2016, 04:57:40 PM
I've been hearing that Trump supporters believe he is qualified because he is a successful businessman.  And yet he has failed in nearly all of his business endeavors.  All he has right now are his golf clubs and the Trump Tower.

In fact, he has not grown the family fortune left to him, and possibly lost a great deal of it.  He would have done better investing it in mutual funds instead of using it to finance his business mis-adventures. 

So what is he good at?  Self promotion. He sells himself as a successful businessman, although his track record is so bad that US banks will no longer lend him money.

meanwhile this privileged idiot panders.

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Reply #798 on: August 17, 2016, 04:58:52 PM
 Wisconsin, August 16, 2016:

What a speech! Worth viewing, whatever your politics.

Is there some reason a YouTube does not display here?[/color]


highlight all but the ---, and one should be able to see the youtube video.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 08:05:52 PM by joan1984 »

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #799 on: August 17, 2016, 07:08:04 PM
I believe he wants to lose. Why else hire one of the crackpots from Breithate?

The new direction will be to appeal to unapologetic nationalism, aka tribalism.  This means all that are not American do not matter and can be treated as the enemy.

Nationalists are often expansionists.