Hillary is the only person running for President who favored the Iraq War, and who had a vote in the matter. She voted to go to war with Iraq. Most Democrat Senators voted to go to war with Iraq, and even demanded a re-vote, to insure they all got to vote that way, and not 'against' it.
Hillary is the only person in this election, 2016, who has any blame for the Iraq War, in the era where Captain Kahn was killed. Trump was against the war in Iraq, and Obama was still voting present in the IL statehouse, and likely was not in favor of the war with Iraq.
The so called 'war with Iraq' was a response to the United Nations Sanctions and Saddam Hussein's brazen ignoring of the letter and spirit of the UN and by extension it's Members. Saddam's violations of sanctions, and attacks against jets enforcing the NO FLY ZONE over Iraq led to this invasion, and as Hillary said the time, it was the right thing to do.
Many election cycles in the US have transpired, one every two years, since Captain Kahn lost his life in a act of bravery in Iraq. The Kahn's waited through the 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 election cycles without complaint and while Mr. Kahn, the Captain's father, promoted Immigration Law, especially promotion creating green cards for middle eastern Muslims and others entering the United States. Mr. Kahn has worked with, and supported The Clinton Foundation, and the Clintons, and now he and Mrs. Kahn were selected to speak and to denigrate Republicans in front of National Democrat Convention in 2016, all these years later.