If you liked the accomplishments of Hillary, and her actions at State,
and want more of the above (Egypt/Libya/Iran/Ukraine/Bengazi, etc.)
Are you suggesting that Hillary was responsible for the Arab Spring? I think you are assigning her too much power. THe people in these countries were addressing grievances they had with their governments. As for the Ukraine, are you saying that Hillary is responsible for the acts of Vladimir Putin?
Regarding Benghazi, why not blame Congress for cutting funds for embassy security? Also, Hillary certainly did not order Mr. Stevens to go to Benghazi, he went because he thought it was a good idea at the time.
Further, military actions are decided by Obama on the advisement of U.S. Defense Secretary and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, not Hillary.
Vote for Hillary... you will get four more years of low economic activity, same as we have had with Obama; four more years of racial division; four more years of no borders when it comes to the terrorists passing through Mexico; four more years of Syrian "refugees", mostly 18 to 30 year old men of fighting age, and who knows what Ideology, who knows what political intent; four more years of totally politicised Washington as to Congress and Executive Branch gridlock.
Actually the economy is doing fairly well considering the mess George Bush left of things. Clinton left office with a surplus. Bush squandered it with tax cuts that left America in debt, plus getting involved in two wars. I understand our actions in Afghanistan, but why the invasion of Iraq? It has left the entire region unstabilized and led to the birth of ISIS.
And what terrorists have come in from Mexico? Plus, the refugees are well screened. The ones that have gone of the rails were radicalized after they arrived here, along with several "white" Americans that have left to fight for ISIS.
Add to that, 40 years at least of Supreme Court in the hands of the likes of Ginzberg, and Sotameyer
Just two? I would think that the court in liberal hands meant the majority of of the seven Justices ar liberal. And yes, I would be happy with Hillary's SC picks. I would like the SC to rule that corporations are not people, and thus Citizens United will be overturned. I also want to preserve a woman's right to choose because I believe in free will. Such a decision is hers to make, hopefully with consultation with the father and her family.
If you want Elizabeth Warren hectoring whenever you watch the News on your TV... along with Pelosi and Reid, and Chuck Schummer, and of course Obama is not going anywhere, will live in DC in a multi-million dollar house "to watch his daughter graduate HS",
No problem with me, and actually look forward to Obama serving on the Supreme Court. And what's the problem with Obama living in a house he can afford? He earned his money through hard work. Could it be partisanship? You certainly aren't criticizing Republicans from doing the same. Have you seen Trump's residence?
Add to that the spectacle of the "second" Clinton Impeachment, and all the chaos that will bring, as the FBI and others continue their criminal probes of Hillary and her emails (declined to recommend charges to date, but have not stopped, or even reached the peak of investigations into the scandal, and the investigation of The Clinton Foundation which FBI Director refused comment, as it is an active investigation... lots more to come...
No not really. No special investigator spending lots of government money to discover Bill Clinton had an affair, that was no one's business except for his wife.
If that is what you want, vote Hillary... if not, vote for the only person who can win the Presidency, of those running, and save your children, and grandchildren while you still can.
I will vote Hillary because Trump is a danger to the Republic. I fear that Trump would bring the end of democracy as we know in the USA. He would upset the balance of powers established by the US Constitution and use his executive power to persecute his enemies in the press and political opponents. He has already made threats that he will do so. Is that what you want?