Staci, "one or more of them will be more enforceable" is exactly where we are, where Democrats are, at this time. Nothing they have tossed up as a trial balloon so far has "stuck" enough to convince Nancy Pelosi that all her Members will vote to Impeach the President. Which is why there has not been a VOTE by the House of Representatives to 'begin Impeachment'. IMHO.
The first two years were consumed with Mueller Investigation 'leaks' to Media and with various Democrat back benchers seeking opportunity on Sunday show airtime to state they already had the evidence needed to Impeach. Cannot tell anyone what it is exactly, but 'trust me' we have it... kind of statements.
Mueller Investigation came and went, finding no collusion, charging none of the people in the Trump Administration with anything relevant, leaving some good people 'dangling' out there, such as General Mike Flynn, for process crime charges, and in general wasting 45 or so Million Dollars... and... not following some of the very leads that were available to Mueller, which would have led back to our past President and the various crooks in that President's FBI, and CIA, and other Intelligence Agencies, just now coming to light.
After the disastrous Mueller Interview by various Democrat Committees, that was dropped as a non-starter, and a few other supposed high crimes were trotted out, milked by the leftist media, only to be overcome by different 'high crime' wannabe incidents... then 'the Whistleblower' story, with the entangled Intel Committee staffers and chairman, and changing the very rules, so anyone without first hand information can say whatever they wish... all secret, even now being abandoned, the whistleblower CIA guy that is... to keep prying eyes from finding Chairman Schiff's fingerprints all over it...
Today, at the start of the day, Trump abandoning the Kurds, was the latest High Crime wannabe, and by this evening the US and Turkey have agreed to a cease fire in Syria... putting another High Crime suspect into has been status, seems... so Back to Espionage, I suppose... or Russians again, Putin again...
No one seems to know. All the High Crimes & Misdemeanors have been B.S. so far, as "Impeachment bait" to gain a vote by the entire House, in Democrat view by Speaker Pelosi, and so here we are... with "*Impeachment" hearings that are not valid as such, for charges that are not at all officially claimed, as we await whatever may happen overnight...
Friday awaits, document drops at 5pm? Who cares...
As the President likes to say: We will see what happens...
Meanwhile, G7 Meeting at Doral Resort in early June 2020...