Can we just talk about the Director of Central Intelligence having his security clearance taken away, and being accused of "frenzied commentary” to “sow division and chaos" on the internet, by none other than the Twit in Chief?
So, what's the precident of the United States here, that only Goldfinger is allowed frenzied outbursts to sow division, and chaos, on the internet, and if you do, he will take the security clearence you need to do your job as the DIRECTOR of the CIA!?
What is that supposed to sow, exactly. Unity, and Order? Intelligence, and Security? Freedom, and Justice for all? He just hamstrung the Intelligence community of the Nation, sacrificing our Security to punish someone for calling him on his bullshit, justified by the accusation that he just can't control himself, on the internet.
Great job breaking it, People. Vote better next time, if we even make it to a next time. Every enemy of America now knows that the CIA director can't read the documents to do his job, and the one who's desk they'll go straight to now, can't stop tweeting RSVPs to targets of Missile Strikes before they're launched, or daring petty dictators to nuke Guam, selling secrets to the Russians, while seeing both sides of the argument between America, and Nazis. (With a pat on the ass to his first lady/daughter on the commercial break.)
The dumpster fire, just hit the fan.