Loss of life due to the Hurricane in PuertoRico is a horrible thing, and not one we would wish upon anyone or any territory.
The number 64 came from PuertoRico Doctors and Official Records, including those deaths that were attributed to the Storm, was an honest answer to the question at the time it was given, based upon known deaths, and the reason for such deaths in the opinion of the Doctors and Officials who usually answer such questions as a matter of law, who perform autopsies, assure deaths were not homicide, etc. That was the official answer to the question, of who died due to the Hurricane.
The larger numbers, and there are many different reports, not only this one that is referenced, are calculations as well as opinion of "persons trained in such death counts", or verbiage similar, and "math" is part of the number(s) stated.
The list of names of who those persons are exactly, or were, is not being offered, let alone provided or subject to inspection by interested and qualified persons. There is not a agreed upon list of names to match the 'death count' being proffered in this story, or in many of the competing and widely varying 'death counts' done by other qualified institutional counts. Where are the death certificates? The originals, please and not those that have been a 'do over' once compensation from 'the government' was part of the conversation.
Did some people die while awaiting skilled treatment, or from injuries which did not heal over time, of course. Were some bodies washed out to sea in flooding, or some other Hurricane related catastrophe, likely, I agree, and I am not saying that every one of the 'dead' in this count are fraudulent claims.. and I am saying, absent any claim seeking compensation, mass death reports without a body to show for it, are not something Insurance usually pays out without proof, and neither shoud the US Government be stampeded into some catch all 'open the cash registers cause we say so' moment.
This is not a body count, that has actual bodies, for much of the supposed 'death toll from the Hurricane' as it stands. It is a calculation, perhaps well done (or not), that includes estimates, and charts and graphs and comparisons to how many people died the year prior, compared to how many people may have abandoned the Island and moved to Florida or whatever, in the days since the Hurricane.
My belief is that the number, if not used for compensation in any way, is as valid as many of the 'death toll' numbers being proffered now, and as good as those that actually were reported Officially shortly after the storm, by Officials who usually count dead folks and assign cause of death for a living, in Puerto Rico then and now.
Puerto Rico's new Hurricane Maria death toll is 46 times higher than the government's previous count
Only thing missing is the list of names... Fake News...
Sorry Joan, but Fake News is not just news you don't want to hear.
First they were lying, now they aren't exactly lying but these deaths are irrelevant.
We get it, you hate these people and just don't want to be bothered with them.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 12:38:42 PM by Athos_131 »
Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor